Ukraine school and church continue to persevere

Dear brothers and sisters, families and congregations,

I'd like to sum up the results of 2022 and share with you some plans for 2023 in my letter.

First of all, my country was forced to face unprecedented warfare. All kinds of the most contemporary weapons, missiles, bombs and explosives alongside the newest technologies are being used in Ukraine. Even the air raid alerts don't come up in time as the supersonic missile of the newest generation hits and completely destroys 9 story apartment buildings with peaceful citizens inside. This full fledged warfare has lasted 10 months by now leaving behind hundreds of victims, millions of refugees, total blackouts, lack of heating and water. This is how the last year ended. It’s horrifying and saddening. But there's a little light in the end of the tunnel - God's promise and His salvation. Last year there were many baptisms. Thousands of care packages were distributed. Thousands miles of the roads driven evacuating people. As well as thousands of opportunities for inviting people to salvation.

We are no heroes. We just want to live in a peaceful country and do our job. We have not stopped studies in the Bible Institute in spite of the war. The Institute was relocated closer to the Romanian border and the classes continue. We have 6 students and 3 will graduate this year. One more student whose name is Dennis could have been here in the classroom but sadly has to be in the cold and damp tranches somewhere in Kharkiv region. He's protecting peaceful people from the aggression risking his own life.

My family worships with the congregation in Bela Tserkva, a city not too far from Kiyv. Unfortunately, most of the missiles are targeting Kyiv and its region destroying our energy infrastructure. We found ourselves in the trying circumstances. However, the church congregates every Sunday and works with the numerous refugees. Almost every Sunday we minister to them by distributing the food packages, sharing in their needs and helping them to adapt in the new place.

The answer to the question, "How much longer of this horror?" is in God's hands. We trust Him completely and wholeheartedly learning to find some good in everything. It feels like a holiday if we have 4-6 hours of electricity during the day giving us the chance to complete our daily chores. We are learning to appreciate everything we have and thank God for every moment.

As for our plans for the next year, we will keep working for the Lord. We have 2 potential students and some prospects for joining the Lord's family. These are happy happenings and they give us strength to move forward.

May God keep all of you. Many things would be impossible to accomplish without your help. We appreciate each and every brother and sister in Christ who keeps praying for us and supports us in this difficult time.
Your brother,
Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on January 27, 2023 .