Nigerian students emphasize Christian education to young people


The year 2022 has ended and we thank God for His promises to us, just as he promised to give us (John 10:9-10). We thank Him for life and strength to do his work as we continue to thank all the saints for your fellowship with us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this part of the world, until now.

We were able to visit and worked with eight of our congregations and held several youth Bible classes and distributed several Bibles and study books, such as, Voice of Truth, and some study literatures from Gospel Gazette.  God blessed these works with some of our youths who had become weak. Many returned and joined in the Bible class and promised not to turn back again. There were seven baptisms from Ihe Town congregation, Olepe congregation in Ette Town and Effech Town Congregation.

The great interest the youths have to study the Bible with the visiting evangelist resulted in the plan to hold a one day Seminar in Enugu Urban to study the importance of Christian Education in Development of the church.  The date of the Seminar is 28th January, 2023.  Help us pray for this work as we hope to motivate the youths in Bible learning to enable them to live according to the word of God and join in teaching others.

Thanks for your support that has enabled us do these works.

Your brother,

 Herbert Nwankwo Chukwu

Posted on January 26, 2023 .