Sierra Leone students conduct a successful campaign


We wish to register our profound gratitude to God Almighty for another opportunity to share our May 2022 report with you, our dearly beloved brethren.  We also acknowledge your great efforts and sacrifices toward the ministry of saving souls in Sierra Leone here. Your generosity is changing many lives and many here are being saved. May you be richly blessed by God and may He grant all your heart desires in Christ’s name, Amen! In the month of May, a successful one-week evangelistic campaign was carried out through which a good number of souls were converted and a local congregation was established. Our academic activities continued as well as our internal and external evangelistic mission works. Here are the details of the report: 


Our evangelistic campaign this time was directed to Buedu Town, Eastern Sierra Leone. Buedu is 117 miles away from Kenema and her inhabitants are predominantly peasant farmers. Some years ago, a congregation of the Lord’s church was established in Buedu, but an evangelistic and committed preacher was lacking, hence the work died completely and the members joined denominations. Brethren from Koindu, Dia and Kangama, the surrounding towns, made some good attempts over the years to restore the Buedu congregation but to no avail. Therefore, the school administration talked to one of her graduates, Patrick Nsimdoh Ngegba, to move to Buedu to be a preacher if the local congregation is reestablished. In fact Brother Patrick, who is committed to the Lord’s work agreed and together with the administration, a week-long campaign was hosted there. As a result of God’s grace and the hard work of the students and Brother Patrick, ten (10) souls were converted and a congregation was established. As we write, Patrick is stationed in Buedu as the preacher and is doing very well, though with some challenges. Sometimes, brethren come from Koindu to worship and encourage Patrick to remain steadfast in nurturing this young congregation. Apart from the Buedu congregation, four (4) souls were converted and three (3) brethren were restored from Taiama and the Levuma congregations as the result of our external missions. Please brethren, may we continue to remember these young converts in our prayers. 


God has been rewarding our (you, our supporters, the Bear Valley, Colorado Administration, our coordinator, and International Director, other Bear Valley School Directors, and our brethren) efforts here that when we go for campaigns, local congregations are being established and brethren are being restored. At Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute here, we have external and internal missions. By external mission we mean, when we go for campaigns and establish local congregations or restore congregations, our staff and students are being sent every week to those congregations in order to teach, mature, nurture and sustain them to the point that they will be able to stand on their own. On the other hand, internally, our students are also sent to local congregations within Kenema in order to continue to put into practice what they are learning in the class. The local congregations within Kenema here appreciate this so much. Therefore, with our internal and external missions, we embark on a lot of journeys week after week. We embark on all of these journeys on motorcycles, and the risk of travelling on a motorcycle is very high. 


I want to especially share my appreciation for Bear Valley and our supporters through beloved brethren, Brothers Steve Ashcraft and Keith Kasarjian for the financial support they rendered me to go to Jos, Nigeria to graduate from the School of Biblical Studies. The journey was smooth and the convocation was successfully held also. I graduated with a B.A. with honors in Christian Religious Studies. Thank you so much brethren, and may the Lord continue also to shower His blessings on you all.


Brethren, we remain grateful to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly. 

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on July 5, 2022 .