Facing hardships in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,   

I'd like to share with you the news from May and June of 2022. Sadly, the war is still raging in Ukraine, taking away lives every day. Putin's Russia continues killing civilians, creating shortages of food and increasing the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The military theater moved mostly to the Eastern and Southern regions of the country. I ask you to lift up prayers for Ukraine and for the restoration of peace.   

In the beginning of June, we finished the school year in the BV Bible Institute. Recently we had 4 students and the 5th man was drafted to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We were able to relocate to a different part of Ukraine and resume the studies in the safest place of the country - the city of Chernivtsy. Last month Vitaly Rodichev taught the course on the book of Isaiah, I taught the Gospel and the epistles of John and brother Dmitry Galuik finished the school year with the book of Daniel. Now all students are busy with summer activities; during the next three months they will work with the local congregation. There are many war refugees in the city of Chernivtsy and the Church is actually working with them. There are about 80 -100 present at the Sunday services. Our students will have an excellent opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. During months of May and June there were about 15 baptisms in the Ukrainian Churches of Christ. People are more open to accept help and have the Bible studies and eventually decide to obey the Gospel.   

I came back home to Bela Tserkva and continue my ministry here. Some parts of the church building we rebuilt to suit the needs of the refugees. We purchased everything necessary for them to rest here comfortably and have their meals while they are searching for jobs and places to rent. We are very grateful to all brethren who actively help us in this ministry. On May 16 we had the baptism of Sergey. He is a man from Kramatorsk who had moved to Bela Tserkva about a month ago fleeing from the military conflict in the East. First, he had lived in the church building, then rented an apartment and moved out. During the time period, thank God, he believed and decided to join the natural spiritual family. And one more thing. Please pray for our brother and preacher Konstantin Kisilenko. He has a very complicated lung disease connected to some infectious disorders and the doctors can't find out how to help him.   

We are grateful to our brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers for us. We are still in war and we wish the peace will come soon. Many people who receive the aid thank God for His protection and your sacrificial help. God's blessings to you!

Your brother in Christ,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on July 5, 2022 .