Continued improvement in Kumasi


To God be the glory great things he has done for ushering us to another beautiful year. Kumasi campus were privileged to get a wonderful support from the Bear Valley Bible Institute country office in the first quarter for which we are grateful to God for the honor.


Current activity for this period is mainly on the academic work.

The two (2) new courses mentioned in the last quarter report ended in June, thus the book of Revelation and 1st Corinthians have been completed.

New topics like “THE PREACHER AND HIS WORK AND CHURCH PLANTING is our next course “ and the awaiting research writing make up class for the three (3) new students.

A continuation of the OLD TESTAMENT HISTOTY which was halted in the month of May by Mr. Gyan Kesse Snr is been continued


The set of furniture acquired in the last quarter has brought a relief to the early bird students, hoping to get the additional ones soon.

Mr. Gyan Kesse Sr. also supplied the students with a study bible (Apologetic Press) including the instructors to facilitate their studies Building of a good reporting system and a standard office setting is in progress.


Brother Isaac Agyen is among the pioneers enrolled in the Bear Valley Bible Institute at Kumasi campus. He has been firmed and punctual in his studies since he joined. Isaac is the student’s representative from 2019 till date.

Secular and education.

Isaac is a tiler and plumber by profession. He is a West African Secondary School WASCE holder. He is single in searching.


He has been baptized to the Lord’s church for the past eighteen 18 years. He performs an oversight duty in revamping a country side church at Banko in the Sekyere Effiduase district near Kumasi in the Ashanti region. Currently, he fellowships with the Accra road church of Christ, Ayigya and assist the welfare committee. He is one of the strong pillars of the church’s radio program in Kumasi.


Brother Isaac aspires to be a preacher in the Lord’s church. With the knowledge acquired from Bear Valley Bible Institute, will enhance his leadership skills, equip him with best practices of winning souls to the Lord’s church. With the best edification knowledge and skills gained from the school, will help him shepherd the Lords as future elder ambition.

Posted on July 5, 2022 .