Much progress in northern Ghana


We continue to make progress in our efforts to serve our master Jesus Christ in Northern Ghana. We wish to report on the things that took place in the month of May, 2022 both within campus and in the field.


We had a very effective staff meeting in the Month of May, 2022 to discuss and to review some of the things that were necessary. Participants were as usual Brother Adjei Mensah, Albert Tamanja Malir and James B. Legend.

We had some discussion on the budgetary allocation running of the school and the prices of things were almost doubled, recruitment for the next batch of students as this current batch is almost gone. We also saw the need to run some seminars every quarter with the aim of refreshing and strengthening preachers in the field as well as keep them connected with the school. Furthermore, we deliberated on ways to continue with our school farm. We did last by selling the produce we harvested last year to reinvest on this year's farming.

We also considered the need to have some local leadership training for localities in an effort to train able leaders to help in the governance of congregations locally. It was a very fruitful meeting.


As students were still on break, between the 19th to the 22nd of May 2022, Brother James B. Legend embarked on a three days visitation journey to the Upper East Region. On this visitation journey, he visited the Sandema congregation, Bazua congregation and the Poyameri congregations respectively. Brother Elijah preaches for Sandeman, Isaac Akumoliga for Bazua and Francis Mbugri for Poyameri respectively. All these preachers are graduates of Bear Valley Tamale. They were all strengthened and encouraged by his visitation. He worshiped with the Sandema congregation on the 21st of May, which was the first day of the week.

He took advantage of his visit to Bazua to meet with three of our graduates to discuss the need for them to work in the interest of Christ and the school that helped empower them to become great tools for the Lord. These preachers are; Baaba Elijah, who preaches for Agatusi congregation and had benefited from the motor bicycles that were bought, Francis Mbugri of Poyameri congregation and another beneficiary of one of the motors and Isaac Akumoliga of Bazua. They also dialogue on the necessity of working together to strengthen evangelism in the area. This meeting was also a very fruitful one.


Mango Tree: One of the Mango trees planted in the compound of the school by our able Coordinator (Kojo Acquah Beenyi) produced some beautiful fruits. His labor of consistently planting different kinds of trees, both edible and medicinal, isn't in vain as we have begun enjoying as inhabitants. God bless him for his efforts.

Irrigation: The ground-nut we sowed for our piloted garden was ready in the month of May, and was successfully harvested and enjoyed by the students. It brought joy to many of them, seeing fresh ground-nut at this time of the year. You scarcely see fresh this time of the year in Ghana, especially Northern Ghana. They produced very well. We hope to do better this year in the dry season.


All our students reported back to school successfully on the 29th of May, 2022 for us to resume classes. On the 30th of May 2022, lectures began with Brother Daniel Adjei Mensah as he started with the Christian Ethics. Classes continue to run successfully in a very peaceful and harmonized atmosphere to God’s glory.


The Kpalsi South congregation continues to work in harmony with the school both numerically, physically and spiritually. As an effort to share Christ with the community, we continue to have a door to door evangelism as a church and sometimes with the help of the students, who are also by their location when they are on campus, members of the church. We are certain the church is making great progress in the right direction.

May His name be praised forever; Amen!

Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on July 5, 2022 .