Accra students encourage local congregations

Accra Report

End of June, 2022

Peace from our Lord be with us now and forever.

It is with much excitement to report on the various activities held at the end of June, 2022.


First and foremost, June marks the end of the second quarter and vacation. At this period, revision, examination, and submission of research papers are submitted and marked for the preparation of transcripts.

All instructors participated in their courses as assigned for the quarter. We thank God that none of them fell ill. They are very healthy for the beginning of the next quarter.

Impact of our Student’s Visit to Local Congregation

Every local congregation wishes to have our students and instructors teach the church and to hear the truth on the teachings obtained from the school. It really impresses us when we hear such reports from the congregations. All the students have been assigned to teach in the local church. Just recently one student has been ‘employed’ by Doboro North church in his first year in the school. The rest of them are spread throughout the congregation and help with preaching and teaching the gospel.

Keith Visit to Extension Schools

We thank God that our brother Keith arrived safely in Ghana for the purpose to visit the extension school to see the progress of the schools. During his visit, he went to Cape Coast and Takoradi with Kojo. On his return to Accra, he went to Ashtown and Accra East with Sammy. 

Campaign at Akwamu

There was a campaign at Akwamu, a suburb of Nsawam by the school. The weekend students at Nsawam and the regular students did marvelously well. The campaign started on Monday and ended on the following Sunday – (7 days and evenings). Many prospects still call for studies with the students. Three baptisms were recorded. Two women and one man. 

May the Lord’s name be praised.

The Holy Bibles (World Bible School Edition)

We thank God for the Holy Bibles, which were donated to the school. God bless you for the Bibles. During our last campaign, we had three baptisms. These Bibles were given to them in order to motivate them to see the need to “take heed to reading” and studying. Keep praying with us for the Lord to add daily as we minister on the field.

Black Box Projector

We received a black box containing a projector and HDD with numerous lessons. Having gone through the lessons, we realized they would be very helpful for the students as part of their studies. Also, it will be good for the new convert class and evangelism activities. We are grateful for this and will use it extensively to aid our research work.

Personal Evangelism

This ministry is one of the core mandates of the Bear Valley Schools in Ghana. During the vacation, some of our students dedicated time to stay in the school to evangelize in the local areas with the purpose to revise what was taught to them during the Akwamu Campaign. This service has been profitable as the people there receive the truth. We are preparing with the entire student body to follow up to win more souls.

We shall continue thanking God for His protection and guidance through these activities.

We ask you to keep remembering us in prayer.

Reported by E. O. Larbi, Director.

Posted on July 5, 2022 .