Liberian students plant a new congregation

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We bring you greetings from Liberia Bear Valley Bible Institute, West Africa. We appreciate God continually for your partnership with us in this work of our Lord directly or indirectly in Ganta Liberia.


It was believed for years that Neigbien, a town not too far away from Ganta where the Bear Valley extension school is located was possessed demonically with bad witches and wizards making the town very fearful to many people. For this reason, many churches have been afraid to take the gospel. It was said that the Catholics, Pentecostals, and the Methodists started there before but could not stay because of the evil practices carried out there by the people.

Meanwhile, we recognized the fact that many souls were returning (dying) without Jesus and there was a need to take the risk. We planned, prayed about it, and moved into Neigbien with the undiluted and saving gospel of Christ. We spent five (5) days in the town from house to house and public preaching. This effort led finally to fourteen precious souls surrendering their will to our Lord Jesus and getting baptized for the remission of their sins. The church has been meeting there ever since and by God's special grace, it is taking root in such a town. Two of our current students and a leader from the Ganta church go there every week. In fact, they go there twice a week, (Sunday and Wednesday). Please brethren, please pray for this town that God will save them as He did with Nineveh.


Our brethren in Liberia and up Nimba, are slowly getting to understand and accept that the school here is training our own brothers for the work of ministry for which all of us should get involved. One such brother who has seen the need to surprise the student is brother and sister Cliton. Brother Clinton and his wife brought 40 neckties as a gift for the school and promised to come back again as he gets blessed by God. The students were so happy that they all immediately put on the tie and stood for a photo to show appreciation to the family for their help.


We receicved great news from one of our former students. Brother Alex Power went back home and had been struggling among 11 denominational churches to be able to win souls for Christ. Brother Alex needs our help to buttress his efforts in evangelism and encouragement. He has started the Lord's church in his home town and is worshiping regularly with those he baptized and some visitors. He is married with four children. His only source of feeding his family and preaching is little farming.


We are very grateful to all of you brothers and sisters who are helping us financially to do the work here in Liberia, West Africa. It is truly a wonderful blessing of partnership for spreading the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We continually pray in appreciation for your help and for the lost we are taking the gospel to so that they can be able to see the hand of God in their lives and submit their will to him. Thanks so much for everything. God bless you.

In Christian Love,

Bro. Robert P. Dahn, Jr.


BVBI- Liberia

Posted on July 5, 2022 .