Ondo State Nigeria school study and evangelize to God's glory

To God be the glory for the great things He has done for us (Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State) and the entire Bear Valley Family all over the world. We are grateful to the Lord for His mercies upon all. We are equally grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver, Colorado, USA, for their love and sacrifice. God bless you all, Amen.

Evangelism: Between April to June 2022, as a School, we carried out evangelistic work in the two centers in Ondo State on April 24, 2022. First, in Ondo City, we preached the gospel in the Ayeyemi area of Ondo City, with 11 students and the three instructors in the center. The preaching went well to the glory of God with several potential prospects. Two of the prospects are now worshipping with the Ayeyemi Church of Christ. We are grateful for this News. Also, in the Akure center, the students and the instructors went out to preach the unadulterated gospel to the people of the Leo area in Akure. We are thankful that prospects are very eager to learn the gospel. The preaching exercise was a success story. Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State is planning to establish the church of Christ in the Alade area in Idanre town within the next month. We need your prayers for a successful exercise.

Classroom activities: Between April to June 2022 we had three courses in the two centers. In April, Romans was taught in Ondo Center by Brother Godwin Emmanuel. In May, Brother Rowland taught Acts of the Apostles. In June, Brother Damilola Oke taught 1 Corinthians in the Ondo Center of the School. Also, in May, Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught Romans. In June, Brother Victor Fasonu taught Hermeneutics -1 in the Akure center. We thank God for the readiness of the instructors to impart God's word and knowledge to the students. The students were ready to learn from God in the Scripture. The School has greatly impacted the students.

Brother Tosin Ogundare is one of the students in Akure center and is also the class representative. He is one of the strong young vibrate members of the church at Leo Street Church of Christ, Akure. The School is so blessed to have him as a student of the school. He is a very humble and easygoing young man. He has a Master's Degree from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. His interest in the training is strong and active. Honestly, the school and the instructors have written their names in gold in his heart. He is willing to make use of the knowledge after successful completion of his program.

Financial Report: we are grateful for the support given so far. We have received support for January to March 2022. Thank you, for your sacrifices of love.

Miscellaneous: Presently, we are blessed as a school. We do have what we need for now. Thank you for the provision of the basic needs of the school.

Our commitment is to continue to work and carry out the mission of the School. We will remain undaunted in this to the glory of God. God bless the Bear Valley family in Jesus' name, Amen.

Fasonu Victor


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State.

Posted on July 5, 2022 .