New school in Mombasa, Kenya

Dear brethren,

We’re humbled to have this opportunity to write to you, hoping that you are all fine in the Lord. We’re sorry we’ve taken much time before writing this report. We’ve not been feeling well, but now we’re ok. Thank you for your patience. We appreciate every effort and contribution that you’ve made to make the school a reality.  The school is doing well, and since it began in March this year, there’s been a tremendous growth on the faith of the students.

We’ve been meeting every Saturday as scheduled, going for 8hrs each day. We have 13 students and have had courses on Hermeneutics, Homiletics, and Pentateuch 1. Paul is going to take Synoptic Gospels. Sometimes we move slowly because of the need of the students, and answering all their questions Biblically. We thank God for the changes we have seen in the students since they started out this journey with us.   

Two students were baptized, after realizing that they’ve been in errors for long. They decided to make it right with God, and are doing well even in evangelism.

We’ve been alert about Covi19 pandemic. This is so because the government has been wary over this pandemic. One of our students was once arrested for not wearing a mask, and we had to do everything possible to ensure his release.

The government has recently decided to follow up Churches, schools and other social institutions to see which whether they are complying with the Covid 19 rules. If they find 5 people without masks, that Church or institution is closed or deregistered. As we continue to be vigilant on any government directives, we also need your prayers.

We thank God for this far we He has taken us, and with your prayers and support, we know this school will be one of the best in the Coastal region.  We thank you for your support. We’re continually praying for you. We’ll update you on any development as soon as possible.

Francis Ojow, Co-Director

Posted on August 23, 2021 .