Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I'd like to share with you some latest news about the events in Bear Valley Bible Institute as well as some local congregations of the Church of Christ in Ukraine.
Bear Valley Bible Institute has the summer break now and we are actively searching for the new recruits for the next school year. Last two years we have had some hard times with recruitment. This can possibly be a Covid-19 aftermath. The Church in Ukraine is not really growing. Last two years the worship services were conducted online and many congregations still haven't returned to normal.
We haven't established any new congregations for some time, thus there's no pressing need for the new well trained ministers.
The other challenge we are facing is the open borders with the European Union. Numerous young, full of potential Christians move there for better employment opportunities and find high paying jobs and even build up savings funds for personal real estate. These were the excuses I was given when following up with the people who had expressed interest in becoming our students.
However, we are not discouraged and look into the future with optimism. During the year we tried various methods of the students recruitment. We paid personal visits to the local congregations where it was possible. We established personal contacts, we followed up with the people who were interested and we mailed out printed materials.
As of right now, we have 5 potential candidates who are thinking about joining the program. I don't know what their final decisions will be and ask to join us in prayers for their future.
Statistically, among all the European countries Ukraine has the largest number of healthy congregations of the Church. In Ukraine we count congregations in tens, while European countries keep it in single digits.
I'm very grateful to many congregations, individual brothers and sisters in Christ and married couples who, despite all difficulties, remain our faithful partners in training leaders of the Lord's church. Our labors are rewarded with many congregations where I see our graduates preaching and it gives me joy.
Recently my family went to the Christian camp Amerikraine. It was organized by Jeff Abrams with his team of Americans and Ukrainians. It was a fantastic camp with 360 Christians attending from all over Ukraine. I was making a presentation about Bear Valley Bible Institute recruitment and at one point I asked to stand up everyone who has connections with our Bible Institute (graduates, Instructors, students, interpreters) and about 40 people got up. It was amazing!
I also made a successful trip to Poltava and have hopes to get some students from this city.
May God keep all of you! Our prayers and support is very important to us.
With the love of Christ,
Your brother, Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ukraine Director,
Dennis Sopelnik