More improvements in Tamale


The gracious Lord has graciously seen us through the month of June successfully. Indeed, God’s mercy and grace upon us can’t be overemphasized. His providential blessings are unnumbered. We praise His name now and forever. Amen.


The students are still on their break and we the staff is making sure everything is order with the running of administrative responsibilities. There have also been some series of meetings to discuss how we can move the school forward. Some of the things we discussed centered on the school farm, prudent spending, how to build a solid team, etc. Director Adjei, Albert and James are usually the participants, with the coordinator (Kojo), giving counsel from a distance.


The campus local congregation is actively worshipping consistently and growing as well. The blocks laying for the chapel we are putting up with the help of Brother Steven have been successfully completed. We are now hoping for the next level which is the roofing to get started as soon as funds are available. We hope the Lord makes way for us to complete this building.


Ground-nut have been cultivated to support the feeding of the students as usual within the school compound and they are doing very well. We hope not to buy ground-nut past coming year, 2022 Lord’s willing.

We have also per the discussion we had with our elder brother Steven the last time he was in Tamale acted on making the soya beans and maize farms for the school this year. Glory to God, he provided some funds for us and we have successfully done five acres of maze and five acres of soya beans respectively. The maze is done at Chamba while the Soya Beans is cultivated at Sanguli. The crops are doing very well. We are hoping to eliminate the purchase of some food supplements for feeding our students next year Lord willing.


In the month of June, we had two major fruitful activities that took place on the part of visitation and evangelistic work. Brother James Legend and Daniel Adjei Mensah the Director took part in an evangelistic campaign from the 3rd to the 6th of June 2021 that took place at Damongo in the Savanna Region, organized by the churches in Tamale where nine (9) souls were baptized into the church. The Damongo church has since then stood on its feet again.

Furthermore, Brother James Legend embarked on some four days visitation Journey from the 24th to the 27th of June 2021 to the Upper East Region, precisely under the Tempani and Binduuri districts where he visited Kpinkpanyoung, Garu, Zebila, Agatusi, Bazua, puyameri, Bawku and Yua congregations. This visitation also led to the restoration of a collapsed congregation at Denugu.  Two old members were restored with eight (8) souls being baptized. Thirty-six (36) people gathered at the restoration worship service on the 27th.


We profile Shei Labueri David this month June, 2021. He was born on the 15th of May, 1988 at Zabzugu District, Jomoani precisely. He did his secular education at Sabare L/A primary and Junior High, continued with Tatale Senior High School respectively. He however dropped from Tatale senior high school in the second-year due to financial challenges. He was baptized into the church in the year 2008. He further after baptizing into the church embarked on a leadership training that is run at Yendi (Project Timothy) in the year 2010 and 2011. After completion, he went back to embark on his secular education at SISCO in Tamale and completed in the year 2014.

David got married to Anita Shei after school in the year 2015. Furthermore, after marriage, he got enrolled into the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies in 2017. He graduated successfully in 2019 with a Diploma certificate. He is one of the dedicated preachers in the Zabzugu District in the Northern Region of Ghana. He is currently working with the Jomoani congregation that has about 120 memberships. He is farming in addition so he can support himself and his family. David currently has two children with Anita.

May the gracious Lord graciously bless us,

Adjei, Albert and James (Tamale)

Posted on August 23, 2021 .