October 2021
Greetings to you all brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our prayers are that this report finds you in good health. We give glory and honor to God the Father as we send this report for the activities here at BVBI-Zambia in the month of October.
Indeed we have come to realize that Bear Valley Bible Institute- Zambia, is no ordinary institute, we supersede any tertiary educational facilities around us. We are swimming in the love that flows through the hearts of all those who are walking through our corridors. Indeed our God is present here, and He warms our hearts and souls in a way no fireplace can.
I. Major Activities for the Month of October
A. Evangelism
We have continued with our evangelism program in our own district Luanshya. Luanshya has nine township areas and in the month of October we had three targets among these townships within our district, and also in the two districts nearby. The students have done a commendable work with the teachers spearheading working alongside them. Indeed the word of God has been burning in their bones and failed to keep quiet! These past few weeks have taught us that we have way too much work to do for our Master. So your sacrifice in this work is highly appreciated and necessary to make our continued work easy here.
We are excited to announce that due to these sustained evangelism activities we were blessed with forty-three (43) baptisms in the month of October. These baptisms were recorded from three townships of Luanshya namely: Roan, Luanshya Central and Mikomfwa. Additionally, we have continued to render help to our newly established church in the Northern Province and we believe the congregation will continue to mature until they have their own preacher.
B. Skill Training
Once again we are so happy to write this report about our students’ practical work in horticulture production and bricklaying. They have learned good agronomic modern hybrids, varietal selection for the targeted markets, good soil preparation and fertilizer placement. All students worked as a team and the program will continue in their first quarter of next year. They did their practical work at Church of Christ in Mikomfwa. No doubt these preachers have manifested a militant spirit in the ministry of our master.
C. Restorations
We have also recorded sixteen (16) restorations, five from Mikomfwa Church of Christ, one from Roan Township and three from central town of Luanshya. On the other development we have recorded seven restorations from Luapula province through our alumni Joseph Musonda.
II. Covid-19 in Zambia
We have continued to get encouraging reports on the covid-19 status by the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention. While we are encouraged to continue observing the rules to combat the disease the country is slowly opening up for business.
With the situation above, we are burning with a great desire to do God’s will and it is an honor to be humble servants in His kingdom.
III. Goals for the Upcoming Month
Paul emphasizes in Ephesians 4 the absolutely vital role that is played by apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers. Without their ongoing preparations of the Lord’s people there would be very few Lord’s people. Training is essential if the church is to function as God wants it to; “for the equipping of the saints for the works of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.
We did not go for the four (4) days gospel campaign as planned due to lack of transportation, but we will continue with our evangelism within our district and to strengthen survival skills training in agriculture and bricklaying for our students. We believe this is another way of fulfilling Peter’s word in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also said “that you may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
IV. Reports from Our Alumni
Vincent Simwanza has done a great job for our Master in the month of October and he continues to be very impressive in the kingdom, may our God continue to use him. Through his efforts we had seven souls added to the Church and he has continued to preach; we expect more souls to be added to the Church. He has also worked hand-in-hand with our current student body to put up a building structure at Church of Christ in Mikomfwa.
Joseph Musonda has been working extra hard with the Church in Luapula Province and has continued to make good progress. Lord willing, whenever we shall have an opportunity in terms of transportation we plan to camp there for three days to work alongside him in the preaching of the gospel. So far we have recorded six (6) restorations from this Joseph Musonda’s efforts.
Joseph Ilunga, our former student from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), now lives on the Zambian side at Sakania border. Joseph is doing a good job working with a Zambia congregation in Sakania helping him to establish a congregation from the Congolese side. We have been receiving good reports from our brothers at Sakania and its very encouraging. We often call Joseph to meet with us whenever we are having meetings to advance the kingdom of God.
We are doing the best we can to avoid wailing and gnashing of teeth at the end of our journey. May the God of Heaven, the shepherd of our Souls, bless our relationship and may we grow together in the grace as we walk and work together to the glory of our God. You are always in our prayers and may God be with you always.
Cephas and Fred