Reporting Letter for the month of October-2021
Respected beloved International Director of Biblical Studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian and Coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your unselfish contribution for the smooth function of BVBI extension Centre at Tirupati city, Chittoor-Distruct, AndhraPradesh, India.Your assistance is very much important, it helps the continuity of our commitment to educate young people spiritually who can teach the gospel to the lost souls in India. This would have not been successful without your act of generosity in support of the BVBI in India.
BVBI Regard: We continue to hold the class room work, all the teachers and students are busy. Beside their class room study they involve in the activities of local church. We give them opportunity for leading songs, bible reading, offering prayers, the distribution of communion, offering collection. Last Sunday BVBI student Mr.Joshua could able to teach at children class.
Bible Seminar: In the month of October 15&16(Frinday&Saturday) we organized Two days Christian Growth Bible Seminar at Vidyanagar, Nellore-DT, A.P,India. The Theme was Fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22). We have invited 13 women speakers to preach at Women seminar. We encouraged Mrs.K.Swarupa to be the coordinator of the Seminar, The most of the speakers for the seminar were the preachers wives from four states Tamil Nadu, Kerla, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh who did wonderful job in presenting their lectures. We have given them their topic and also study material for three weeks an advance to all the speakers . We have distributed the booklet of the Seminar which was written and printed by Dr.Damon Vincent. We appreciate Mr.S.Vijay Prakash who has translated this book let in Telugu. We report there were about 130-140 attendance for the two days seminars. We invited ladies from different local churches surrounding in above said states . We express our gratitude for every individual donor for their confidence, generosity, dedication and keeping responsibility for the spiritual growth of the saints . We report you that about 30 brothers voluntarily served for two days for the success of the two days Bible Women Seminar.
Agricultural Vegitable Garden Workshop:- We report you that another AG.garden work shop was being conducted at Jangalapalli-Village, Nellore-DT, A.P( state), we could able to participate on October 9th,2021. We are grateful to HHI for their loving contribution for the establishment of this AG garden. We are grateful to sister.Linda smith and sister Jackie Hill from US who could able to visit this remote village and recommend for the establishment of this AG-Garden. We express our gratitude to the elders of Foothill Church of Christ and ministers Mr.John R.Vaughan, Mr.Jonathan Winchester and Mr.Matt Bowling from Graymere church of Christ who could able visit this village previously. We are grateful to HHI for the digging Bore-well for the purpose of proving drinking water for the villagers. In fact it is my native village, my older brother Mr.B.Elisha Subhakar is preacher there who graduated out of National Bible College, Chennai.
A.G.Garden at BVBI:- We have newly planted seeds at AG Garden , this week all student could able to remove the reeds to keep all the plants healthy.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati,India