Recruiting in Zambia

August 2020


Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. In spite of the rapid spreading of covid 19, courageous Christians are not slowed down by the pandemic. Students at BVBI-Zambia have just completed their training during the month of August, 2020.

During their training the students showed their commitment and finally completed their studies toward the fulfillment in the requirements to allow them to graduate. Preparation are underway and once all is done will wait to hear when our international coordinator (Donnie)  will come for us to set the date for graduation, this is due to covid 19 outbreak. Beside all this, we have continued to support our former students and in luapula province we just had a two day meetings with 12 congregations out of the 35 which were called through their leaders we had 7 baptisms and 5 restoration and in Ndola North mead Church of Christ we had 12 baptisms and 23 restorations we also had 1 baptism in luanshya and 3 restorations. We just had 20 baptisms and 26 restorations in the month of August and we thank God for the work done through BVBI-Z. We have also continued to have quarterly leadership meetings at BVBI-ZAMBIA to strengthen working relationship within church in Zambia

The Ministry of Health in Zambia has continued to register shocking rising cases of Covid- 19 for the last three weeks. The Zambian authorities have put in place some health guidelines that every citizen should follow in order to lessen the spread of this deadly disease. Even if these are being followed by most of the people, it seems as if the spread of this pandemic here in Zambia is not at all abating. And a lot of people are now living in terrible fear. Even some of members of the Church have even stopped coming for church services. But we at bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia have not stopped to do what we have always done as far as spreading the word of God is concerned. We are very happy to report that we are on track in fulfilling the mission of our Jesus Christ even in the midst of this plague. This does not mean that we are ignoring health guidelines that have been given. We are complying in every way possible.

Recruitments of new students have intensified.  Brother Kennedy Mukuka, our Director of recruitment, has been quite busy in making sure that we have the best intake so far. According to the record that we have, over 40 men have expressed interest in coming to be trained at Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia. And most these men have already been interviewed and vetted.  We are looking forward to a very exciting new intake which will probably start by the end of October, 2020. This of course will depend on how the Covid-19 disease evolves here in Zambia. We are hopeful that the cases of this plague will certainly go down by this time. 

We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.

May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors!

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on September 8, 2020 .