Being creative in Lesotho


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We wish to express great gratitude for the assistance BVBI International has granted to us for establishing the Bible School here, which continued in financial assistance, helping us to run the school smoothly. We are also thankful for your help to connect us with Heart to Heart, House to House, as well as World Bible School, even though we haven’t yet received any material from them.

In spite of the global pandemic, the congregations in Lesotho are grateful for the impact the school has since it was established in May 2019. BVBIL students were instrumental in organizing house churches, circulating sermons and Bible studies on our social media platforms during the first and second lockdowns which happened in March-early May and three weeks of end of July to early August. We are grateful to report that despite the fact that we are encountering series of lockdowns and social restrictions, the school has a great determination to produce competent and doctrinally sound preachers.

Three courses were taught from June-August, with an average of 13 students and 3 observers. Elder Vincent Shata taught the book of Galatians in June, Robert Likhang taught Leadership in July. The course was completed via WhatsApp audios and videos after the churches were prohibited to gather together. There is always a solution in every problem, hence, BVBIL students during the second lockdown resolved to gather in the small groups of twos in their houses, listening, watching lectures and studying together. This arrangement came as a result of: some students are less privileged materially, they do not have smart phones therefore, the haves had to share with the have nots. Similarly, Tawanda Mwadiya used the same media platform the first two weeks of August when he was teaching Pastoral Counselling.

During the period of June to August, 5 baptisms were recorded, one restoration and 500 Heart to Heart copies were distributed. In the same period BVBIL students engaged 65 people and 102 lessons were taught on air, in groups and one on one.

The school is thankful for your support both financially and spiritually. We are hoping that World Bible School will soon send us materials so that we can enhance our evangelism. Keep praying Lesotho and the school.

Posted on September 8, 2020 .