More progress in Zimbabwe


The month of August saw the development of BVBIZ in several fronts. There is progress on the school’s curriculum in terms of lessons and practical. There is also progress in terms of infrastructure even as the school continues to look forward to be an institution with necessary structures that will enable operations to be carried out smoothly. We can report on the following;


Online lessons for the third intake continued in the month of August. Online classes have been necessitated by the prevailing lockdown induced by COVID19. It is not yet possible for students to physically come to campus.  Lessons that have so far been done online include;

·         Personal work (theory). Part of the practical will be done when students come to campus

·         How We God the Bible

·         Christian Evidences

·         New Testament Church

·         Life of Christ

·         Public Speaking (some of the practicals to be done when students come to campus



Our graduation which was supposed to take place on the 3rd of October has been postponed due to the prevailing lockdown which is beyond our control. The governemnt, since March, had put all school activities that require contact on hold. The new date will be communicated once things ease a bit. However, the graduates to be will, from October this year, be given some rights that are normally accorded to graduates. We apologise to all our students and to our partners, both local and international, for the inconvinience caused.


BVBIZ’s second intake which was supposed to graduate this coming October has remained effective in the field. Some are already engaged as preachers in some congregations. Others are yet to get congregations to work with. Besides the following, there are two others, not listed, who are yet to complete their coursework;

Isaac Mupanduki- Isaac is working with his home preacher, bro. Thomas Mupanduki at Musorowenzou and Mutehwe congregations in Nembudziya, Gokwe. Isaac is available for fulltime engagement. 

Virimai Gandiwa-Currently at Manyame, his home congregation under the tutorship of his preacher, Godwin Marandure. He is yet to be engaged.

Takudzwa Chikuni-Currently serving as an associate minister at the Maware congregation in Chikomba District, Mashonaland East.

Khulekhani and Thandikile Dube-Currently working with Sipaba congregation in Esigodhini, Matebelaland South. The couple has already been engaged by the congregation.

Batsirai Tengurachepa- He is now the preacher at Redcliff church of Christ, a new congregation that began last year during the school’s field program.

Blessing Tiyani- Blessing is currently at his home congregation at Sharara in Manicaland. He is working under the mentorship of his preacher, Damson Siwedi.

Matthew Adrian Phiri- Matthew is at Alaska currently working with his home preacher, brother Donivert Khata. Bro. Khata works with several congregations which includes Mhangura and Piringani.

Gray Ndoro-Gray is currently working with the Plasworth congregation. This is the congregation that was recently started at the school’s permanent site. Gray is available for full time engagement anywhere.

Charles Muzambi-Charles is currently stationed at Mazowe where he is working with Lovemore Manyanhaire, the resident preacher there. Charles is still available for full time engagement anywhere.


As we continue to report, preaching should be done in season and out of season. Since students were to undergo their last attachment, among many, before their graduation and as per their training, they had to find ways of preaching and teaching during difficult times. Areas covered ar Kadoma, Manyame, Maware (Chivhu), Plassworth (Gweru), Redcliff, Mhangura/Piringani, Sharara and Sipaba (Esigodhini). 34 souls were baptized and 5 were restored. Various activities were done in the month in an effort to advance the kingdom. Over 15 are still to be baptized at Plassworth (the school’s site). A baptistery is yet to be constructed.  



Development continued in the month of August. After the constructions so far done, the following materials remained; 5kg impermo, 7 rolls brick force, 21 bags cement, 7000 bricks, about 5 cubic river sand, some plumbing material, about 3 cubic concrete stones, 20 (mixed sizes) deformed bars and some timber. Since builders were still on site completing their work on the septic tank, the construction committee made of both management and some members of the Board thought it necessary to proceed with some small structures which were on the development agenda. These include

·         A small kitchen since firewood shall be in use for cooking

·         A fowl run to start a small broiler project. This was completed and the first batch of 50 broilers is expected in September.

·         Two store rooms. Space is needed to store building material, poultry feed, tools or to house a married student.

·         Outside laundry sink and baptistery.


For the school to function smoothly, there is a need for a teacher’s house. The reason being that students should not be alone that far without a teacher or someone in authority close by. In case of emergencies, a teacher in charge of students should be close by. Secondly, there shall be a very high fuel bill due to daily movements to and fro. There is a distance of 15km from the city centre to the site. Of this 15km road, there is a 6km stretch which is rocky and bumpy and therefore, not all that good.

Furthermore, since BVBIZ has an array of teachers who come as visiting teachers, the house will also have a guest section. It shall be very expensive also to move them daily from the city to the site to handle their lessons. A campaign for donations will commence in September and by December we should be able to see the amount of materials donated and then set a date for construction. However, if all things are equal, between January and February construction should start. If not, a review will always be made. The proposed figure needed is around +/-$13500. An updated bill of quantity with current prices is being worked on and will be available in the next few days. 20000 bricks are already being moulded and will be ready by mid-September 2020.


We praise God for what we were able to do in the month of AugustBVBIZ could not have reached this far without the unwavering support we have been receiving from many angles even under very difficult circumstances. Great appreciation to the Board and management for pushing the development agenda. To Woodland Oaks, BVBII and our various other partners, thank for your moral, spiritual, financial and material support. We remain grateful. Please keep us in your prayers. To God be the glory!

Posted on September 8, 2020 .