Almost back to normal in Accra


Truly, the Lord has made it once again. We are so grateful to Him; He has protected us throughout the month and usher us into the new month. May His name be praised and adored.

We shall also not forget our cheerful givers who in diverse means keep supporting in cash, kind and in prayer. Our appreciation to the Mountain Home Church, Jefferson City and our Ghanaian brethren, Doryumu Church, and other brethren whose donations have reached the school for her progress. The director, teaching and non-teaching staff and the students say God keeps blessing all and restores in abundance the collections sent to the school.


Classes are in progress. As I reported in my previous reports, as a result of shutdown, we missed one full term which was spent in the house, classes have been restructured and more days have been added to enable us complete the undone courses. In this quarter, four different courses are currently under study instead of our normal two. After these courses, the school will vacate on 28 of August.

This month, three (3) short courses were done by the instructors Kojo Acquah who taught New Testament Church 1; Gyan Mante, Personal Evangelism 1; and E.O. Larbi, the Godhead.


As part of the school’s activities, we organized evening evangelism (open air) where students had the opportunity to exhibit their homiletic ability in preaching according to topics scheduled for them at the school’s environs: Plan of Salvation, Baptism and the Church of the Bible.

Furthermore, they handled most of the activities at the church in the school. They participated in the songs leading, exhortation, officiating the Lord’s supper and handling the children class. With this improvement, we have confidence that our students will deliver to their best as they practice.



We also embarked on house-to-house evangelism at a nearby village called Djankama where we had the chance to meet more prospects in the study of the Bible.

Also, we were grateful to hear from our student, Samuel Joas Arhin, who is yet to graduate, working effectively in his area. Two (2) baptisms were obtained at Akenyaa in the Central Region.

In addition, we had two (2) baptism at Nsawam, where Sammy fellowships to the glory of God. We are much impressed as the Lord keeps adding believers to the church through our students in the season of COVID-19. It is our prayer that none is affect with this virus.

Congregational Visit

The school’s director, brother E. O. Larbi visited the Asuaba church which is handled by one of the past students, brother Affum Kwame Botwey. In his visit, he exhorted the church and her leadership to steadfast in the true doctrine of Christ for their salvation. Having exhorted them, they were very happy to have the director’s visit, to check on the progress of the church as his student preaches for. The church requested that he visits them again.

Visit to the School Land

We are all happy that school, in future, will have her own infrastructure. This is our daily prayer. The last time, as the staff and students arranged to spray weedicide and to check on the security of the land, we rearranged again to check on the weeds and respraying before vacation.


We thank the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for His providential care in all the above activities till vacation. We still pray that the Lord will guide us safely as students and staff go back to their homes and to return unaffected on 13th September, 2020 and to give us more strength to do more activities and win more souls to the church.

Our plea to you is that you keep praying with us. God bless you all.

Posted on September 7, 2020 .