Progress in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom. This is a good time to report what is happening at BVBI-Zambia during the month of July, 2020.

It is fantastic to see that in the next few weeks, our students will finally complete their two years of study here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia. Our fourth quarter has not been easy nearly all our students had flu and coughing, but they tested negative to Covid 19 and we continue to pray that none of them catches the deadly virus. They are now busy preparing for their final examinations in the remaining courses.

These courses are: Christian Ethics, the Book of Revelation, Denominational Doctrines, and Church Development. They are really excited to finish and eager to go back to their congregations and preach. Before the end of this quarter, the students will also do another short course with Brother Kennedy. The short course will be “Foundation of Missions” (study of missions in the New Testament). It is always great and refreshing to have Brother Kennedy come over and teach in these short courses.

It will also be in the same period where some of the students will do some catch-up courses in the courses they have missed. In spite of the demands from these courses, they are also tirelessly laboring with the surrounding congregations of Luanshya district and other nearby districts like Mpongwe and Baluba.  As a result of these efforts a soul has been added to the church and six restorations recorded. We have also recorded two more restorations through our alumni and one baptism.

Luanshya Central church of Christ has been meeting at one of the Government schools since its inception. But due to the high prevalence of Covid 19 the ban to do so by the Government has been brought into play. Because of this, BVBI-Zambia realised the dream of opening a congregation at the campus and since we started congregating at the institute, The students have been very influential in reaching out in the neighborhood. They have invited neighbors for Church services and they have also set up more Bible studies in this area. We are very happy to see many people attend the services. Throughout their tenure of study at BVBI-Zambia, the students have been engaged more in personal evangelism.       

Each student has made tremendous progress in what they are doing now. This is also seen in the way they have been cooperating building and gardening. We are hopeful that they will in their individual capacity make a meaningful contribution to the Kingdom of God. And we also believe that they’ve had a very rich and rewarding experience here at BVBI-Zambia.

Thank you kindly to all who have helped in any way to prepare these men for the deep and meaningful task of preaching the Gospel. Special thanks go to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their continued financial support, Bear Valley Bible Institute International, Instructors, Donnie our Country Coordinator and indeed everyone involved in this work. 

Thank you all once again!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on August 3, 2020 .