A guest teacher visits Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I want to start out with a big "thank you!" to Renee Galloway for providing new uniforms for the Andrew Connally School of Preaching students, faculty, and staff.  It was a huge job, and they look great!   We appreciate all of the time and effort spent completing this task.

I also want to update you on the progress being made on the Cy Stafford Leadership School. This was Cy's last dream for the work and it is thrilling to see it nearing completion.  It is going to be a huge blessing to the church in East Africa!  It should result in more and better elders, deacons, and other church leaders for congregations across the region.  It also paves the way for a significantly upgraded library to be shared with the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.  The exterior is mostly done now and the next need is for doors.

Jerry Bates just returned to the US after teaching a short-course in our graduate program.  This is the first time an American has been able to visit the work since the COVID-19 outbreak.  This marks an encouraging step in the return to normalcy.  We thank God for Jerry's safe travel and effective service.

If your congregation would like a visit or you can refer me to a friend at another congregation that might be open to helping, then I would love to hear from you!  In the meantime, keep praying with me for the church in East Africa.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on August 12, 2020 .