Building in Zimbabwe



The world continues to reel over the COVID19 virus. Zimbabwe is not an exception. There has been a steep rise of cases in the month of July forcing the government to impose more strict measures including a curfew from dusk to dawn. Movement has to be authorised without which one will be turned back by the police. Patrols have been more in the city centres whilst public transport remains banned. Many are realising the need to pray to God so that this scourge may be abated. However, within this quagmire, the word continues to be preached in season and out of season. We are pleased to report the following;


The new class (BVBIZ’s third intake) which was supposed to commence studies in mid-May on campus are currently being kept busy through online studies. The following subjects are currently in progress;

How We Got The Bible (M. Muchingami)

Personal Evangelism- Theory (H.Suwari)

Public Speaking  (I. Mutichu)

New Testament Church (I.Mutichu)

Life of Christ  (I.Mutichu)


In 2Tim 4:2 Paul instructs Timothy to preach the word in season and out of season. Even when movement has been curtailed and gathering of over 50 people banned, ordinary evangelism methods on hold, the word of God still has to be preached. The second intake had to find a way to make up for its last practical before their graduation in October. Sermons were preached on Whatsapp and sent out. Prospects received lessons and reading material on the social platforms. Some went to the extent of doing daily devotions to keep members and prospects spiritually fed. At the school’s permanent site, a congregation has since started. The students stationed there preach from 6-8am when people come to fetch water for drinking and from 12-1pm when boys and men bring their cattle for drinking. On average, 20 are coming for services. A baptistery is yet to be built so that these people receive their baptism.  However, a total of 9 people were baptized in the month of July.               


The following developments took place in the month of August;

·         Construction of the much awaited septic tank began around the 15th of July and is almost complete.  What is left is to fill the soak away tank with stones. The soak away tank measures 5m in length, 2m wide and 3m deep.  Great appreciation to the congregation at Nashville here in Gweru for giving its 85 bags of cement so that the construction is done. These bags costing $680 will need to be given back once their own construction of an auditorium starts possibly within the next two months.

·         An outstanding 4 metre door of the hostel was bought and fixed. Its glasses will be installed in August.

·          Some outstanding plumbing materials were purchased and fixing will also be done in August. The only outstanding items are the kitchen sink, outside sink (to be constructed by the builders) and 2 solar geysers. 

Without the burden of paying rentals, the school is now able to slowly deal with some of the demands though this will take over 10 months. The builders have also been very flexible, offering their labour and then slowly paying them.


Despite the pandemic that has changed the ordinary way we used to do things, we remain grateful to God for enabling BVBIZ to make more steps at the permanent site. The Word is being preached in various ways. We are also grateful to you all, that despite this worldwide challenge, you continue to stand with us. May the God of heaven, bless you and keep all of you safe!

Posted on August 3, 2020 .