Nationwide lectureship in Nigeria

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Beloved in Christ.

Grace ,peace and mercies from God our Father and from our Lord and Redeemer Christ Jesus be multiplied unto you all. Below is some of our activities for the month of February 2020.


1.  Students one month Vocational Studies/Break concluded.

2. Great Workshop 2020 in Abuja .....A great reunion.

3. World Bible School Follow up Team.

Our students start returning from their one month Vocational Training/ Break this morning. During their one month break they were actively involved in weekend Evangelism and other Church activities which resulted into conversion of ten souls and restoration of twenty-five erring brethren.
Two were baptized (Saheed Abubaka and his wife Mariam) on February 10,2020 as the results of our follow up of January 28,2020 Open- Air Bible Lectureship where Bro.Chad Wagner spoke on God's way of Salvation in Butubutu village.

This year Great Workshop held in Nyanya congregation, Abuja from February 5 through 9 was a great reunion. About 570 WBSFUW/Evangelists from 25 State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria graced the occasion. The absence of free Bible and VOTI publications make the workshop unusual, nevertheless, Bro.Chad Wagner and the local organizers  make use of the available materials by freely distributing Cartons of Mission Printing International booklets to all the participants.Also about 500 BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN calendars were freely distributed.
The BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN were represented by myself (Bro.Makinde), Bro.Dele Shotola, Bro.Lawrence Abiodun, Bro.Gbenga Ilori, Bro.Okesami Stephen, and Bro. Paul Akinwale.

Our WBSFUW visited two schools in Ibadan Oyo State and two in Ondo town, Ondo State during the month of February. Five hundred Introduction lessons were distributed and over four hundred collected back and posted to WBSTC Bro.Joel Coppinger.

Bro. Ugo David Ugo is one of our year-2 students. Born on January 17,1989 at Adikpo London, Benue State. Converted in 2002 in Kado congregation, Abuja. His mission after his graduation is to plant the Lord's Church in his home town in Adikpo London.

As the Lord will have it,we were able to tiles our guests house and change some doors to the befitting one.

We are still indebted to the tune of N1,615,000($4,615)been loaned last year for the upgrading of our school buildings plan and for the purchase of our School Bus for both rural and urban Evangelism .
Those willing to assist us can contact any of these men of God:
Bro.Chad Wagner, Bro.Steven Ashcraft or Bro.Keith Kasarjian. No amount of money is two small or big to help us out!

The School management in her meeting of February 26 decided in evangelizing Egbeda town -Oyo State and Asejire town-Osun State in the Saturdays of the month of March 2020.
Lord's willing, we shall embark on the preaching trip immediately after the school's hours on Friday and return on Saturday evening with some students while some will be left behind with Egbeda and Asejire congregations for the first day of the week worship.

CONCLUSION : We are very thankful unto the Lord for His mercies on us all and to you all for your support for World Evangelism .Most especially, your love toward the growth of the Lord's Church in Africa. May the Lord keep on blessings all our work together in Christ Jesus name, amen.
Sincerely in His Grace as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

(The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan And WBSFUW)

Posted on March 17, 2020 .