A new class in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

February – 2020 Report

We hope this finds you all doing well! It has been a long time since we fired report from Malawi school. We have been on a long holiday and now we are back in the battle field. The year 2019 was great and fruitful year in the history of the Malawian school. Lots of things were achieved, souls and congregations being established. And also many congregations being strengthened and restored. We are also looking forward to the more fruitful year of 2020.

We thank God that we have already started the year of 2020 with testimonies that the Lord is already showing us favours in our plans for 2020/2021. This time we have increased the number of our students to 20 from 15 the previous years. We have also managed to secure a land for the school. We now have about 5 hectors of land bought to build our school in. God is in control!

Students Arrived!

We started receiving students on 8th to 9th of February, 2020. The classes started on 10th February, 2020. We received 19 students out of 20 who were recommended. The number 20 failed due to family issues which were not disclosed to us. But we still are waiting for the other one to join us soon, though he will graduate in the third year instead of the second year as he will be behind others.

Visiting Teachers

We were glad to receive Brother Donnie who came to teach short course on Scheme of Redemption. He arrived on 15th February, which was Saturday, and on Sunday we worshiped together at Chinungu church of Christ where Donnie taught Bible Class. Donnie taught at school from the 17th to the 21st of February and left for Zambia on 22ndof February. We enjoyed having him here and all the students and teachers already are missing him.

Lessons to be taught by May, 2020

We have our schedule fixed for the first semester and everything has started well. We are expecting to accomplish teaching about 12 courses in the first semester. Writing Skills, Scheme of Redemption, the book of Acts, Homiletics, Personal Evangelism, Doctrine of God, Pentateuch 1 (Genesis), how we got the Bible, church of Christ, Preachers life and work and Bible geography.

Souls Saved

Since January to February this year, 9 souls have already been added to Christ in Karonga and Matindibizi. Brother Saliwa last week baptized 5 souls at Matindibizi and brother Wakisa baptized 4 souls at Karonga. We are glad when we are receiving good news from our just graduated students, this gives us hope for the work we do, as “we train preachers” – 2 Timothy 2:2; Proverbs 11:30 (“He who wins soul is wise”).

We are thankful to all who support this work. We have just started the year 2020; more good things are promising to happen. We still need your support and prayers. God bless you all!

Yours fellow soldiers for Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on March 17, 2020 .