A productive break in Liberia

Fellow Kingdom Workers,

We bring greetings from Liberia west Africa to all of you who continue to support the work in this part of the world. We thank you so much for making it possible through your sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom.


I am so very happy to inform you that our students returned in full after a very successful Christmas and New year vacation. I am saying successful because of the many good work they were able to do back home and the reports gotten from the churches they worked with. Most of the preachers from the congregations they worked with called back to thank the school for the level of maturity seen in their students send to the school and the great future they foresee in the students preachers


As part of our tradition after vacation, student are required to write on their vacations activities, that includes:  where they spend it, what were they involved in doing, the results of their work and contacts of the preachers or church leaders they work. Interesting results came from our students that we think you need to know. To summarized their vacation works and experiences, all of them were involved into preaching and teaching at their different congregations, and deeply involved into houses to house evangelism. This resulted in eighteen (18) baptism from 6 of them and 37 person restored with one new congregation planted. After confirming these information by placing  phone calls to their congregations, I am so proud of the practical work out of the classroom.


Since our returned from the year end vacation, everyone is in high spirit to play their own role very well. Students playing students roles very well , whiles the instructor are also playing their instructing roles very well .


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on March 17, 2020 .