Productive holiday break in Tamale



We are this point in time thanking Almighty God for how far He has brought us to the door step of yet another New Year. He has kept us saved from: sicknesses, road accidents and other unfortunates situations, although there might be some irregularities as life is concern but He stood on our side and defended and made us triumphant over all these predicaments.  We shall forever remain gratitude for your diverse support and prayer to keep this noble Institution and the churches of Christ in the three northern Regions alive in order to continue to preach the same Gospel that was preached in the first century; may God replenish you all for your generosity and unconditional love you have for us.


The students have gone home for Christmas break to partake in the festivities programmed to bring together and strengthening the members and also thank God for grating them the opportunity to see yet the New Year. They also use this opportunity to harvest their farm produce and prepare lands for farming again. We wish them happy and prosperous New Year. May God continue to keep them save in whatever activity they find themselves. God’s willing they will come back to school in the month of January 20th, 2020 to continue their academic work as they are left with one year to finish the remaining courses proposed by Bear Valley to enable them secure a certificate of completion.


The remaining two courses as reported in the last month were treated by Brothers; Francis Ayine for Old Testament 3 and Albert Malir for 11 Corinthians and the performance of students were encouraging as class work and tests were conducted respectively.


There is a vast improvement in the administrative work ever before. There has being a collaborative effort in the school management hence, the school is elevated from better to best since we resumed the office. The administration has started intensive campaign for students for next batch 2021/2022 academic year and prospective brothers are contacted and few admission forms taken. On this note brothers Albert and James attended the regional Bible camps hosted at Bawku and Chamba. Albert went to Chamba, Northern region and James went to Bawku, Upper East Region.

The office is accessing its work for the year 2019 in the school as our encouragers; Steve Ashcraft the extension coordinator and Kojo Acquah Beenyi the coordinator/Ambassador continue to inspire and encourage us to stand for Christ and His Church. May grace, peace and love of Christ abound in us all and happy New Year in advance.


The Northern Region Bible camp was held at Chamba in the Bimbilla District from

19th to 22th December 2019. Brother Albert Malir Tamanja led the team to the camp. Some topics taught were the “effect of Christians watching pornographic films” by Brother Andrews from Yendi Church of Christ and “Christian’s responsibility in the church” by brother Evans from Kpandai. There were series of questions raised from participants and answers were provided by some folds. On the Lord’s Day Brother Nipak Laari from Saboba Church of Christ led in Bible studies on “Importance of Christians Marriage Dowry” Brother Stephen Morogo from Yendi led in the Lord’s Supper and giving, Dassah from Tamale offered the closing prayer. The attendance was 315 and giving amounted to ¢586.60.The school admission forms were given. One form was taken by a brother from Zabzugu-Tatale. Two were taking by preacher Owusu from Salaga, he had two prospects who are interested.  There was reconfirmation of two prospects from Bimbilla district of their interest to attend the college when I visited them the next day.


It was highly necessary as we make preparation and arrangements for students for the next academic year for us to be part of programs that present us with the opportunity to make recruitment for students. As results of that, management decided a team is send to participate in a Bible Camp at Bazua, which is a District of its own just close to Bawku in the Upper East Region. Kusal is the dominant language. It was a three days program; Brother James Bisong Legend led the team.

The program location was a Church of Christ School at Bazua. It began on the 19th to the 22nd of December, 2019. We were there on the 20th through to the 22nd, and left on the 23 rd dawn. The Theme was “HOLINESS.” Some topics treated under it are: ”Being Holy as a Christian (Jacob Nikyama – Preacher for Koka Congregation)” and “Holiness in the Family (Brother James Bisong Legend-BVBI)”. Preacher

Francis Amale of Azum-Sapeliga taught the Sunday Bible Class on the topic “Our Responsibility to the Society,” whiles Brother James Bisong Legend of Bear Valley Tamale gave the sermon on the topic, “The Christian Life.” Attendance was as follows: Men were 69, women 121, children 118, making a total of 308.

Two people took forms, hoping to be part of the next academic year with one person wishing he could join immediately. Many who were undecided on their coming took our contact. In all, our being there was very necessary.

Posted on February 3, 2020 .