76 baptized in Liberia!

Greetings Brethren,

It has been a great privileged and blessings to be part of God workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. My are so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their selfless sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well.


As part of the efforts by the grace of God to reach many lost souls with the Gospel of Christ, the school and some ministers undertook another extra campaign in Saclepea City, Nimba. Saclepea is one of the major city in Nimba county with an estimated population of about 46.000 inhabitants but do not have the Lord's church. Through the Radio preaching program, many people who have been following the preaching via radio from Saclepea have been calling for the establishment of the church of Christ there.

On November 11, the team of evangelist and the students move into Saclepea for a whole week houses to house and public preaching both day and night and by the help of God, great work was done in that part of the country. In all, Seventy Six (76) persons responded to the gospel message and were baptized. We also came across seven (7) persons who are members from other congregation that have relocated to Saclepea. A new congregation got started in Saclepea city with over 135 persons in worship on the very first Sunday .

We came back safely and by His grace we are continuing our academic work. Our instructors are all doing their very best to carry out their instructing responsibilities as appointed. Thanks be to God for everything.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. We are sincerely thankful for every dollar you continued to sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta Liberia. Thank you very much.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on February 3, 2020 .