More evangelism success in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for Dec 2019

This December is the close of activities at the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute for the year 2019. Therefore this report though brief will be a summary of not only the events of the month under review, but a briefing of the year 2019 which has been a year of great success in terms of conversions and I am excited to  report.

Classroom: December was not only the climax of classroom work for the year 2019, but also the close of course study for the first batch of students at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible School. There were 19 students who started the course, but 1 student was expelled in August 2018 for indiscipline while the other 2 dropped in June 2018 and in August 2019 due to inadequate health conditions. A lot of sound academic excellence and great practical results were obtained especially by certain dedicated students.

Evangelism: We converted 23 souls this December 13 of which were the beginning of a new assembly in Sayanin, another quarter of Gueckedou. During the year our reports have shown that a total of 145 souls were converted as a result of evangelism. This figure include 7 souls converted in December 2018 after our “Year-end Numbers” were submitted on the 18th. Our public preaching exercise has taken a high level of attraction! This is due to the quality evangelism equipment – amplifiers, etc. which the Niceville, Florida church purchased for the Institute in July.

Campaign: We had one last gospel campaign to close the year and by His grace converted a total of 30 souls, 18 of which were the beginning of another assembly in the Sou-prefecture of Tekoulo. During the year, we had one gospel campaign per quarter plus an extra one financed by our Coordinator. The 5 campaigns resulted to a total of 89 baptisms.

Needs / Response to requestLand for Agriculture field- Of the $2,500.00 stated in our last report needed to complete the cost of at least 5 parcels of field plus survey cost for the Institute’s Agriculture program, the church at 9th Ave, Alabama has responded with a check of $2,000.00 and the purchase has been done! Great of you at 9th Ave, thank you! Now it’s only the documentation that remains -$500.00 to complete the cost. We need your contributions to finish this!

Personal Profile: Two students, Niouma 2 and Francois are to be commended not only for their high academic performance, but especially because of their dedication to winning souls for Christ. These 2 young men were always found ready to go out on any evangelical or gospel mission. More than that, they would propose and seek administrative support to explore new areas where good results often came.

Students Niouma 2 and Francois were the ones who would always stay on campus during the holidays to ensure visits to new congregations while others were on break. They have kept the lights burning! Indeed most of the conversions during our evangelism were the result of their dedication to the practical!

Conclusion: The month of December was another of great success both in the classroom and out there on the field of evangelism. Our December evangelism and gospel campaign resulted to a total of 53 baptisms – 2 congregations planted!

We are pleased to inform you that 16 students have successfully completed their various biblical courses at the GBVBI. In advance of a former letter of invitation soon to follow we wish to inform you that the graduation ceremony will be held in March this year.

Thanks and appreciations to you, the Bear Valley administrative body and to all of you who have one way or the other supported this great cause. May the Almighty continue to strengthen you again in 2020 and the years to follow.

Your humble servant, Francis

Posted on February 3, 2020 .