The Director's visit to Dar es Salaam

It was my pleasure to recently have been able to visit the relatively new school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I had been there twice during the research and planning, but this was my first visit since the school began. During the beginning process we learned that there were too many applicants for the school to meet in a single location, so two locations were chosen.

The Mbagala and Temeke churches of Christ serve as the hosts of the school, where there are 18-22 meeting in each location, making a school total number of students around 40. Both congregations have elders and get this: all the elders of both congregations are enrolled as students! Ombeni Mwambata is doing an excellent job as the Director of the school.

While visiting both locations, I asked the students how many them are regularly teaching and/or preaching and nearly every hand went up. This is what we’re all about: giving instruction and training to the messengers of God’s good news.

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on February 25, 2020 .