20 new students in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report for January 2020

How grateful I am to you all who have supported this work and or continue to have interest to read about the happenings hear at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Thank you for accompanying us through to the close of 2019. God is to be glorified on account of that. Welcome to this New Year 2020. We pray and hope that this year will be one of good health and great spiritual progress. Now here below in sub-headings are the summary of the events during the month of January.

New Batch of Students: The month of January did not only serve as the beginning of another year, but of another batch – this time 20 students who have come to study various courses at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Indeed some 22 persons presented their candidacy, but we admitted 20. We were especially attracted by the desire and willingness of some elderly men though of low academic levels who pleaded with us to help deepen their knowledge in “this truth”.

An entrance exam was conducted followed by an interview on the 6th of January so that we were able to start classes a day after orientation on the following week of January 13th.

The first batch of students will ceremonially be going out on the 14th of March and you are all welcome.

Classroom: A new batch of students, our second class of 16 young and 4 elderly men have started classes at the Gueckedou Bear Valley School. There is a high enthusiasm on the part of nearly every student. So far all is well and we give God the glory.

Evangelism: Because we just returned from the year-end breaks, evangelism during the month was focused on visiting to strengthen newly planted congregations. On the other hand, there is still much to be done before this class is adequate for field work. Notwithstanding, we converted 3 souls at the congregation that meets in the school premises where the hall is becoming smaller.

Agriculture land: By the grace of God through the benevolent hands from Niceville and 9th Ave churches of Christ who contributed $1,125.00 and $2000.00 respectively to complete needed funds we were able to find room for the offer from “Healing Hands International”. A total space of 300m2 has been secured for agriculture purpose. Healing Hands is now on the initiative to begin the work. We are grateful to you all!

Kitchen Renovation and Security Booth: Termites are destroying our temporal kitchen. We had to do some renovation work. We were also able to put up a security booth in answer to the watch-men’s request.

Conclusion: It is by the grace of God – through your support and prayers that we are able to enter 2020 in good health and with another batch of students to continue the work of soul-saving through training. We are especially thankful to those of you who within a short time contributed enough to secure a field for agriculture work. To you all, our supporters and well-wishers, God bless you and stay with us.

Posted on February 24, 2020 .