Instruction and evangelism in Myanmar

In late January I was able to honor the request from the school in Myanmar to come teach a short course. This was the first time my schedule had allowed me to do so in Myanmar and I couldn’t have been more pleased with what I found. The church in Myanmar is still relatively young and so the work we are doing in training preachers will bear dividends for decades to come.

The students were attentive and engaged and Director Philip Van Biak Lian is doing an excellent job. The day after I left, the students went out on a campaign and below is Philip’s report about that.

Keith Kasarjian


After the school in January, we as a Bear Valley group, visited the delta area, which is about 160 miles from Yangon and did some mission work of edifying the brethren and also preaching to Buddhists. Brother Simon shared the word of God on Sunday worship (Jan. 26) and after the service we had Bible study for three hours as one precious soul is willing to give her life to the Lord. After Bible study, she baptized. We all rejoice. 

Then, Titus and another brother made preaching trip to six different places where there are only few Christians and encouraged. All this happened because of God and His generous people in USA. Thank you very much. 

I and other students really enjoyed your teaching and express our gratitude to you. May God bless you.

Yours in His kingdom work

Philip Van Biak Lian


Posted on February 25, 2020 .