Prayers requested for Haiti

Haiti Report:

As a new session started at IST, the students were ready to move forward.  The last session of 2019 was very difficult because of the violence and demonstrations; for weeks the students could not attend.  Unfortunately, the demonstrations and violence continue, but to a lesser degree. At least for now, the students are able to attend class.  IST has been broken into three times in the last three weeks.  The first time the thieves stole about $1,500 worth of tools and cash. The second time, the guard fired his gun and the thieves ran. The third time the guard tried to stop them and was beaten.  New security measures are being taken to guard against the thieves.  Please pray for IST and the employees.  God knows our situation and our needs.   We will continue to trust his care. (Philippians 4:1-4)

Our teachers work diligently to make sure the students are getting the best education possible.  The teachers realize that training preachers and teachers to share God’s word is the key to a stability church, family and nation.  Our teachers make a great sacrifice and work diligently to improve each class they teach.  Most of our teachers travel two or three hours to teach at IST.  The directors of IST, St. Hubert Felix and Origin Beaubrun, are dedicated to helping IST be all it can be.  They are present every day to work with the students and make sure things continue to move forward. (Philippians 3:12-16)

During 2019, our students and faculty taught and baptized 314 precious souls into the body of Christ.  We also saw the planting of seven new congregations.  IST is focused on spreading the word of God and teaching others to do the same.  (II Timothy 2:2)

The work continues,

Larry Waymire

Posted on February 24, 2020 .