School resumes soon in Sierra Leone



Dear Friends, Greetings from me, my family and from all those that are laboring with me in the recruitment of able men for God’s vineyard. Staffs and students send their greetings. We wish everyone by God’s grace a sound health in Christ Jesus.

The month of June was loaded with intensive teaching and learning. We were a bit behind the schedule in the proposed curriculum. We have to repeat teachings on Personal Evangelism due to late arrival of 5 students after the lesson has been taught by Robert P. Dahn Jr from Liberia. Nevertheless we endure and ensure that the 1st quarter syllabus is completed.


With the special grace of God we have 16 Students in class when regular classes resume. We started off with Brother Gabriel Abu who taught Old Testament 1. He is one of the able preachers in one of our congregation in Kenema Town.

Trust me 40 credible hours of intensive teaching and learning was effectively done by each of the lecturers. 8 hours of class work and 1 hour Lunch per day. The First Quarter contain the following

1.     Old Testament 1 (Genesis) Taught by Gabriel Abu in Kenema Township

2.     How we Got the Bible taught by Brother Samuel Bangura from Freetown

3.     Christian Evidences taught by Brother Osman Sheke from Kondu Town

4.     Gods plan of salvation Scheme of Redemption taught by Emmanuel Focko from Kailahun

5.     Personal Evangelism taught by Joseph Masseley in Kenema one of our excellent pass graduate

6.     English taught by Brother Richard Saidu Saffa Christian Brother


The subject Personal Evangelism was theoretically and practically carried out in class and in the field. A product of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Kenema in the person of Joseph Masseley was mentoring student in One to One contact. The amazing part in the one to one contact was that most of our Students could communicate with the people through their own dialect, this makes the reception good.

We are looking forward to the increase by faith in our next venture. Keep us in your prayers.


The Institute is on vacation at present. Hopefully to reopened on the 14th of August 2019. We are almost to the month of continuous raining period. Remember us in your prayers as we do for many.

May God bless our joint efforts for the purpose of His Kingdom.

Attached below are photographs relating to the report.

Your Brother and Humble Servant

Brother Jacob Sesay

Admin/Director – Bear Valley Kenema

Posted on August 26, 2019 .