Mission Printing and WBS helping in Kenya

This is students' report for August 2019 at the Kenya school of preaching- a branch of Bear Valley Bible Institute.

We have got 20 Bible students who are currently being trained, three (3) African teachers ,(Charles, Ochola and Elias)and three American teachers (Timothy, Peter Ray and Mike Reese).

The 20 students had been knocking doors in the nearby villages around the preaching school as they try to reach the locals with the gospel. They as well visit local congregations in order to help local preachers with services and even to learn from experienced ones. This they do on Saturdays and Sundays. This time they had visited and served 14 local congregations, attended 6 gospel meetings conducted by these churches, made 20 evangelistic trips as they evangelize and edify the saved. They had conducted 52 Bible studies and preached 72 sermons. As a result, 13 baptisms have been conducted apart from those baptisms at Ahono Youth Camp.

Thanks to Mike Reese and brethren for the funds which he (they) contributed for the purpose of sending these preachers under training to evangelize and visit local congregations.

On Friday 23rd of August, we closed the school for September holidays till October 7th 2019 when the classes will resume again. The next quarter will begin year 2 quarter 1. For now the students will be away helping their home congregations and preachers. When they report back, they will, to keep us updated, give a report of all they do now at these congregations.

Another unique blessing which we can share with the brethren everywhere, is that the Bear Valley Bible Institute has agreed to conduct a full masters programme at the Kenya School of Preaching, which will commence as from December 2nd - December 13th 2019. Those former graduates who had already completed the under graduate classes in the previous 3 intakes, will now join and begin, and there are already 20 graduates who yearn to report when the time arrives. We are glad to have such a chance/opportunity which should be grasped with immediate effect. May the Lord God bless the BVBID and those who are involved in making this opportunity a reality.

Still another blessing is present with us at KSOP which has been brought by Mission Printing INC. and World Bible School materials in a container. These bring tremendous help to the local congregations and non-believers. Local churches use the Mission Printing tracts and booklets in edifying the saved, in teaching their new converts to grow in the knowledge of the Bible and of Christ. Church preachers use these to evangelize the lost, refute error and uphold the truth. Preachers as well use these tracts to help High School students to forsake or beware of alcohol and drug abuse, a major problem in our generation. The preachers' boxes are best with books that are used in this regard, eg. "Sabbatarian concordance and commentary". "Now that is a miracle", all by Gerald Wright. It is a fact that even the local preachers themselves are growing in tackling difficult texts of Scriptures. We request many of the preachers' boxes again, for those who have not collected the boxes are the majority compared to preachers who have.

With the World Bible School courses, the preachers evangelize their areas and motivate people to study the Bible as they read and fill up the blank spaces .More so, those who are really benefiting from these, are non- believers. Right now, Nixon Ochola, WBS teacher, is grading 100 and over WBS booklets that have been read and filled by non- believers who have registered. These students have made an appointment with Nixon that he will go and teach them face to face and answer their questions from the Bible. This he is going to do in a weeks time from now. The WBS materials are opening doors for evangelism. One of our current students at KSOP, called Moses Simiyu, is now conducting a gospel meeting in his area around Mt. Elgon (in Kenya) and he took with him several of WBS boxes to distribute to the

locals. The idea of receiving a copy of God's word the Bible upon completion of these courses, has motivated many. Congratulations Richard Reignfro and the Mission Printing I.N.C. together with those at WBS.

Thanks to each and everyone who, in one way or another, whether in prayers or monetary help, has participated in supporting KSOP here at Kisumu, or at the other 4 small preacher training schools ( Butere, Christians for Kenya, Bomet and Maasai Mara) in the country.

We pray for you, we remember you, we love you." May the Lord bless you and keep youk The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to youk The Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace", Numbers 6:24-26.

In His service, Elias Omollo

Posted on August 26, 2019 .