Guinea growth

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for July 2019

The activities of the month of July were few, yet we have the obligation to give you an update. We had only 13 week-days during the month of July having been on break till the 14th, but our in and outdoor activities were good even though to certain extent the rains limited the frequency of our movement. While we did not reap much fruit as in previous months due to this and other gospel preaching difficulties, we were on the other hand blessed by one congregation with a reasonable amount of funds for the purchase of equipment for that exercise. Here below are some of the details of what happened during the month.

Classroom: Our third quarter course schedule commenced with the Minor Prophets and was completed in 7 days instead of 8 so that we had a day off used for an outdoor activity. The 29th up to the 2nd of August was the final part of the course ‘Christian Evidence – the Bible and Science. Students’ participation and evaluations results were good and all 17 students are still on roll.

Evangelism: As usual, individually and as a group we went out to preach whenever the opportunity presented itself. This is how we had one day of preaching from the 8 days scheduled for the Minor Prophet course which was completed in 7 days. One of our men was successful to convert 1 soul in the village of Yabehma on the 7th of July. Then on the 21st and 22nd respectively we baptized 2 young men in Gueckedou town and these brought us to the total of 3 conversions in July.

Evangelism Equipment Request Answered: In our May report we made an open request to any well-wishers for evangelism equipment such as loud speakers and amplifiers. By the grace of God the church of Christ congregation at Niceville, Florida through the hand of brother Ken Stanley wired the amount of $800.00 for that purpose. Being the pioneers of the gospel work in Guinea, they have once again demonstrated their financial support in addition to the regular assistance rendered! Niceville had also help for the worship hall at the village of Bandalo-leh. 

Conclusion: The month of July this year was one of those months that fell within our break periods and it is in the rainy reason thus limiting our outdoor activities. By His grace however we successfully went through our classroom work and also converted 3 souls to Christ. We are also thankful to the Niceville, Florida church of Christ for the evangelism equipment cost provided. It is our appeal and prayer that others will be touched also to help in other areas such as participating in worship hall construction for the new congregations being established.

A few photos are attached.

We thank and appreciate you all.


Posted on August 26, 2019 .