A new group of students in Sierra Leone

To Our Beloved Brethren in Christ Jesus, May the grace and Peace of God be with us all. Greetings from me together with those that labor with me in the Lord; The management, staffs, and students of the above noble Institution sends their greetings. I wish above all things that you are in good health.

Know that you are sincerely appreciated for your joint efforts in bringing the Gospel into our doorsteps.

Bear Valley Bible Institute in Kenema team of Management went around towns and villages recruiting new students for the next Academic School Year. 20 students in number were officially recorded for 2019 – 2020 school years. These students are from Freetown; Magburoka; Kailahun; Koindu and Kenema.

Immediately after the recruitment 11 students were interviewed and classes commence the next day. An able Brother from our neighboring country Liberia in the person of Brother Robert P. Dahn Jr. was in preparation to handle Personal Evangelism, one of the courses in the curriculum for a week. The eleven students who were on campus benefitted the lectures as grades were displayed on the school notice board.

During this same period the graduation fever of 16 students who have successfully meet with the requirements of Bear Valley Bible Institute for the awarding of Diplomas in Biblical Studies was a showcase in the minds of many.

April 13th the long awaiting day was here and to the glory of God Almighty, these gallant men were colorfully robed and rewarded for their devotion and completion of their course studies. I was blessed among the living to witness the ceremony and graduation. This has been my dream like many others to see Churches of Christ conducting a full-time Bible Institute in Sierra Leone. We pray and look forward to the extension of Bear Valley in other parts of Sierra Leone. 


The Management of Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema Sierra Leone together with the West Africa Coordinator for Bear Valley Bible Institutes Brother Steven Ashcraft has consultative meetings for the furtherance of the Institute. The needs of the Institute and welfare of students were top of the discussion. The following were prioritized

(a)   Refurbishment of Student’s dormitories

(b)  Relocation of  School Kitchen extension

(c)   Provision of clean and pure water

(d)  Renting of two-bedroom apartment for Lecturers coming from far distances

(e)  Purchasing of Kitchen utensils 

As God would have it done, 90% of these needs were practically made available as showed in the pictures above.

In addition to all of these needs, a final settlement for the piece of land owned by Bear Valley Bible Institute situated off Dama Road Kenema became successful and sole ownership is placed to the Institution. In conclusion to these, on behalf of our local management, we express our sincere thanks and appreciations to our sponsors/donors for making these needs available for the effectiveness of the Institution. May the good God continue to bless their families Amen.


In final summary, we wish to let you know that we have Sixteen (16) students on roll who are ongoing classes for the pursuance of Diploma Certificate in Biblical Studies for 2019 to 2021. We need your continuous support and prayers for our students as well as management and staffs. Kindly remember us in your prayers as we do the same for all.

Presented by your humble Servant in the Lord

Jacob Osman Sesay


Posted on July 28, 2019 .