Church plants in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni (Malawi)

July 2019 Report


Time flies so quickly! We are just one month after the middle of the year! The questions are; what have we done so far? Are we doing what we planned to achieve this year? Well, in this report we will just quickly give an update of what we have done. We have done a lot in teaching, evangelism and looking into the future of the school. We have had visiting teachers who came to teach the students and some just came to encourage us. In February we had Brothers Donnie Estep and Jim Kerns, in March we had Brother Navie Theu and in June we had Brother Richard Rogers and his wife Carol. Just in two weeks ago we had Brother Matthew Muchingami the Director of the Bear Valley School in Zimbabwe and also we were visited by Chad and his wife Rena. Chad visited lot of places, but he thought it good to come and say hello to the students and the teachers, this has been a year of visitors – what a blessing!


We are almost about to finish our curriculum and looking forward to the graduation in September. The time table has really been followed perfectly. The coming in of the visiting teachers has helped us move very quickly. We are thankful to all the brothers who came to help us teach.

Congregations established

Since February this year, we have been involved in establishing three congregations. One of our students, Brother Chisamba Tembo organised the two campaigns during the holiday time and end up establishing 2 churches namely; Kalema and chiporwa all in Ntchisi District. This is very encouraging to us as teachers and to those who support this work when we see the fruits of our goal in training faithful preachers – 2 Timothy 2:2! The time the students were on their holiday, the teachers and one former student organised a preaching campaign in the western side of Mpherembe and establish Emandhloveni church. We hope it will be a very fruitful year both in class and in the field. The total number of souls baptized in these three congregations started since February, 2019 is 61 and in addition to these baptisms, 21 more souls restored!


We are having two more campaigns before the student’s graduation in September. The major challenge we are facing so far is transport to take us to where we want to preach. This time we are thankful that the Lord has provided us with funds to hire the vehicle to take us where we are going this month end the Lord willing. 

We always appreciate Bear Valley International for the support. Your prayers and kindness mean a lot to us. We always pray that God continues blessing your families. Think Souls!

Yours fellow servants in the Lord,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on July 28, 2019 .