Updates from Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends.

I would like to begin by noting that they Maynard family's term in Tanzania has come to an end for now, and they have safely returned home. Justin and Anna worked energetically over the past three years, and have made a significant impact on the work. I want to express my appreciation for their efforts and sacrifices. They are in the process of moving to south Alabama to work with the Spanish Fort congregation. We wish them the very best in their ministry moving forward.

Also the Duncan family has returned to the US for a well-earned furlough. We wish them safe travels, and look forward to their return to Tanzania later this year.

Now I would like to share the following report from Charles Mwanga regarding this year's Safari for Souls campaigns:

"Safari for Souls (Journey for Souls) the evangelistic effort done by the Churches of Christ in East Africa mainly hosted by The Church of Christ Tanzania Missions. This program brings people from all over East Africa and the United States of America for one goal, TO REACH THE LOST SOULS WITH THE TRUTH. Hundreds of Souls will one day be in heaven because of this program. This program has been in existence for over 19 years now. The main purpose was to establish and grow the Arusha and Kilimanjaro congregations to become self- sustaining in their evangelistic efforts. As to what our late brother Cy used to say, “What God control, grows!” this effort has grown beyond measures. Hundreds of congregations has been established through this evangelistic effort.

"Through out years many groups have been coming from USA to help furthering the cause of Christ, for these past two years our focus have been the Kisongo Church of Christ. This year we have had groups from Central Church of Christ which is located in Augustus, Georgia, Hoover Church of Christ which is located at Birmingham, Alabama and Kensington Woods Church of Christ which is located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi (this group had two teams, the first one came early May and worked in Dodoma region and the second one came in the midst of June to the end of the month and worked at Kisongo area). Both these groups brought a total number of 32 workers who did a great job in the Kingdom.

"Through God’s help, we were able to conduct 105 bible studies, 35 Souls were added in His Kingdom, the local team is doing a great job on follow up, making sure that those who have obeyed the gospel remain faithful and also following up on those who are still interested on learning more. We have 30 active bible studies which are carefully followed. The church here has classes for new converts to make sure that they are grounded in the Truth.

"We would like to that all those who makes these efforts possible, we know it requires money to run this program but furthermore it requires manpower. Thank you so much to brethren from both America and the Churches of Christ all over East Africa especially Tanzania for being part of this year. May the Lord of peace be with you all as you continue to serve Him. Glory be to His Name both now and forever."

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on July 28, 2019 .