Good things in Kenya!

This is the students report for the month of February and part of March 2019 at the Kenya School of Preaching, a branch of The Bear valley Bible Institute. We have twenty students that are currently being trained, three African Instructors (Charle  Ogutu, David Wesonga, Elias Omollo), and one American Instructor (Dr Michael P. Reese). 

The 20 students always go to evangelize the area around the Preaching School on weekends and visit local congregations and with their help 11 local congregations have been served, 65 bible classes established, 67 sermons preached, resulting in 8 baptisms and 7 individuals restored back to fellowship with the Lord. 

 At the preaching school, Charles has been teaching the Gospel according to Matthew and Hermeneutics Introduction. David has been teaching the book of Job and Elias Pentateuch Two. Dr. Reese has been teaching Godhead and Christian Evidences. The school closed on 15th March 2019 and will resume on April 15th 2019. 

Of the unique blessing we have at the school are the Mission Printing Inc. materials in a full container for the distribution and evangelism with local churches. The first container came in December 2018 and the second one came in March 7th 2019 with 1303 boxes of various kinds; these included 51  preacher boxes, 1229 boxes full of evangelical tracts, and boxes with books for the School Library. There were also in the container text books of different kinds like Dictionaries, Commentaries, Bible Concordances, Bible Encyclopedias, Bible Geographies, Children bibles with laminated Picture stories and many other good Sunday study materials. 

We have also received World Bible School Materials for evangelism, 42 boxes in total of the Lessons (Introductory Lesson, The Church, The Christian Life). Nixon Ochieng, one of our first graduates has committed himself to enrolling students into the World Bible School Program. The distribution activity began on 16th March 2019 around the Bible School area with the help of other two brothers. 

Different local congregations came to pick the tracts for evangelism and edification purposes. Local preachers from different congregations also came and are still coming to pick the preachers boxes. The number of local Churches that has already come to pick the tracts are 31, while the preachers who have taken their boxes are 20. These materials have been carried away by the local preachers by the use of pick-up trucks, vans, Tuktuks, motor cycles and some are carried by hand. 

We have also sent these materials to 4 other small Preacher Training Schools within the country like, Bomet School, Christian For Kenya Training School, Butere Training School and the newly established Preacher Training School at Maasai Mara.  

Posted on March 25, 2019 .