David Ballard visits Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from our beautiful Cameroon. We are doing the Master’s work with courage. We do hope this report finds you doing well.

Cameroon is still in crisis but the crisis cannot separate us from the love of God. That is why we are doing what we are doing with courage so that we shall not make excuses of any kind. We are pleading that you keep us in your prayers. We are confident that God is watching and will make things better for us as it pleases Him.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu was memorable as the EPSILON batch of students were able to complete the first quarter off their studies. They have left now with seven more quarters before graduation. They will conclude in a short the way that time flies. Please keep them in your prayers as they will be scattered to many villages and towns for mission work, evangelizing, and nurturing the Lord’s church. There are challenges that they will face but they are determined to go because even in this situation we find ourselves into now.

The students’ wives were in Wotutu for their very first class entitled, “BASIC BIBLE KNOWLEDGE.” I taught them the class. It was great and was characterized with questions to help give them a real picture of the Bible they believe in and that they will be teaching to others. We give many appreciations to sister Robin and elder Randy who took their time to composed that lesson. It is rich and has gone a long way to help these women as they prepare for ministry with their husbands. 12 of the 13 ladies attended. They are on their way to their different villages and are excitedly anticipating making it back to Wotutu in June.


 We shall be in Mbanga for their second graduation ceremony on March 14. Our students will be out for two weeks and few days for mission work and vacation.


Thank you very much for all that you are doing for the work here. Our God will bless you and keep you strong as you continue to make the work here move.

Elangwe and family,

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 25, 2019 .