Evangelism in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Calvary greetings to you and family over there. We are thankful to God for our lives here are spared and we have the opportunity to continue to serve Him.

I am sorry for the delay of this report. Two things keep delaying my reports now. They are poor internet service that does not even work again in my home and busy programs. During the month of June, missionaries were here to call upon different ministries in our communities, and at the end I was also in class to learn some more in my continuing education. God is faithful to all we do day and after day. We are also thanking God for all the missionaries that came and did marvelously in their different fields. The team left without any problem and arrived to their homes safe and sound. As I always say, “There is no place like home.”

Students went out for one week of intensive evangelism and they are all back safe and sound to start the third quarter in their second year of study. This means that these students are very close to graduation which is slated for the 11 and 12 of December 2018. Please mark your calendar if you would like to be with us so that we start arranging what you can possibly do during the event.

Brother David Ballard, our coordinator from the Pattonville congregation and his wife Nancy, go to Mission Printing to pick up tracts for the Pattonville congregation to collate and staple them and then take them back to Mission Printing. He was also here to see the tracts going to the final consumer. We were at the bus stop sending some cartons to Northwest region.

Statistics for the campaign: 

 Number of baptism =========================  15 souls 

 Number of Restored   ========================= 9 souls

 Number of congregation established ============== 0

 Number of congregation revived    ================ 1

 Number of tracts distributed          ================= thousands  


Evangelism continues as we plan to go to Nkambe  for mission work.

Thank you very much for your help, God bless you. Your prayers and kind gestures are the wheel that moves the mission on. Your reward will be great when the one that rewards people will come. Do your best to share our reports with others .

 Elangwe and family 

By His grace Director of BVBIC- Wotutu

Posted on July 5, 2018 .