Student campaign to Samoa


Things are going well with the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa in Fiji.  This term we have 10 students in the program.  One of our students from the first term has taken a sabbatical to go to Tuvalu on a mission effort to help the church there.  He returns to Fiji on the 28 of this month.  

We are halfway through our second term.  This term has been challenging for our students.  They are in their second class in Greek and I just finished teaching a class on Bible Geography.  I am now teaching Acts of the Apostles for the last half of this term as Jason continues to teach them Greek.  Additionally, Jason is teaching Expository Preaching and the Minor Prophets, and  I am teaching 1 Corinthians.

The students really enjoyed the study on Bible Geography which was the first time any of them had studied this subject.  The students just had their 1st major exam in Jason's Greek class.  The good news is that most them are doing very well with the Greek language.  Interestingly, these two classes are the ones that the students say they have enjoyed the most and gotten the most out of.


Terry Pafford, one of our short course teachers, sent each of our students two books: Forgiven, Forgiving, and Free by Dan Winkler, and Paul's Letters to Timothy and Titus: Before I Die, by Wayne Jackson.  One of our goals of the school is to put useful resources in the hands of our students to benefit them in their preaching and teaching.  We are thankful to brother Pafford and the brethren at Midland, Texas for contributing two excellent books to our students' personal libraries to help them in their studies.


The students have been invited to conduct a workshop in Samoa on the book of Job.  We have ten students signed up to go on this trip.  The students and a few members from the Raiwaqa Church of Christ will be conducting this workshop for the brethren at Aleisa, Samoa.  This is a study that they just completed under Terry Pafford, so they will be able to use some of the things they have learned in school.  Lord willing, we will be flying from Fiji to Samoa on the 3rd of August and returning on the 11th.  There will be a total of 25 classes taught and the majority will be taught by our students.  This will serve as our evangelistic effort for this term. 

There are a total of 18 people traveling to Samoa for the workshop.  Jerry, a member at Raiwaqa, plans to leave on the 8th of July and stay for 3 months working with the Samoan brethren.  He will also help with the workshop.  We have five ladies from Raiwaqa planning to attend the workshop.  They include Debbie and Devan and one of our students, Va.  These five ladies will be conducting the children's and ladies' classes.  Also, two of my grandsons, Austin and Cory, will be attending the workshop.  They will be working with Jerry and helping to teach the youth classes during the workshop.


Please continue to keep us in your daily prayers as we strive to serve God in the Pacific Islands! 

We continue to thank God for you and your partnership in this work.  May God credit the fruits of our labors together to your account.

Posted on July 5, 2018 .