Good work in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW in South West States of Nigeria. Below is the summary of our activities for the month of June 2018.

OVERVIEW :All our students were busy serving the Lord and His Church through out the month of June. 

EVANGELISM : On June 6-10, we were busy in the restoration of the Lord 's church in Bachita town, Kwara State and the Lord crowned our efforts with the restoration of the brothers. 

 On June 9,the remaining students in the campus under the leadership of Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe and Bro. Abraham Idu Yeje were busy evangelizing Butubutu, Kuede,   and Akinwande villages of Ona Ara L. G and  Asejire town of Osun State. The Lord blessed their efforts with a conversion of a young girl .

On June 14, an internet student of Sister Janet Park named Adebisi Omisakin was baptized at Asejire river near Butubutu village. 

On June 15-17, we trooped out in two vehicles to evangelized Badeku town and edifying the brethren in this young congregation planted by the school on February this year. 

SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT :The school were able to floor the outside part of Bro.Doug Event's Hall and that of the Director & Guest house .

Also, we have succeeded in getting Oyo State Government approval to run the Nursery and primary School for the children of the less privileged people in our community. 

OTHER COMMENTS :Brethren should please help us to send some Gospel literatures such as Good Bible, Commentaries, Bible concordance, etc. through Bro. Steven Ashcraft who is going to be one of our guest speakers during the 15th annual Bible Lectureship and graduation ceremony. 

WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM : With the help of Bro. Joel Coppinger and associates, we were able to print 10,000 WBS introduction lessons for the recruitment of new students for free WBS correspondence courses in Nigeria. Over 100 was returned early this week to the WBS OFFICE in Tulare County, California, USA .

CONCLUSION: We thank you all for your great contribution towards the growth of the Lord's church in Africa and the whole world. May the Lord continue to bless all our joint effort in Christ Jesus name, amen. Remain blessed  .

Your fellow labourer in Christ 's vineyard..... Bro. Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies and Chairman and fellow WBSFUW) 

Posted on July 5, 2018 .