Triumph over trouble in Cameroon

Dearest in the Lord, 

    It is a pleasure to have you as spiritual family. God created us and we are living in one home but from separate rooms. From this end in our room that is in Cameroon we bring to our greetings. We hope that all is well across the ocean. May our great Lord keep protecting you. It is regretful that our country is still living in great fear. A lot of people are moving from the English speaking (Anglophone) regions to the French speaking (Francophone) regions. People are still witnessing gun shots every day and people are losing their lives and property every day. We are praying for peace to reign again so that the displaced persons to get back to their homeland. 

In the midst of the crisis our schools are still operating and our students are growing to greater and greater heights. We are already exploiting the third week in the second quarter of the second year. Oh, how time flies. Soon and very soon, we shall be inviting you for another graduation and matriculation. 

The month of June was characterized by lot of activities that involved both the church and the school in particular. The sisters and children of the Mbanga congregation traveled to Wotutu for a vacation Bible school that lasted for one week. Our children greatly enjoyed the activities and I had the opportunity the spend the closing day there with brother Micah Crayton who preached during chapel. My regards to Karen Pond, Vicky Harris and daughter Savannah, Jonathan and daughter Makenzie, and to the men who helped also.

Meanwhile, the students were having two week long short courses with elder Todd Crayton from the Frisco church of Christ USA. His courses were on the book of 1 Corinthians and Leadership. The courses went on well. He also spent some time admonishing the congregation and God added one precious soul in the church who is now a great instrument to our congregation.

Still in the month of June, our students spend two weeks going to about seven (7) different communities for evangelism campaign. It was a great success. To begin with our field work analysis, during this field work they talked face to face with about 450 persons, about 250 received tracks in both in French and English, some were restored, and about 7 baptized. We are still doing serious follow up with those converts and some prospects as we still send some students out there on a weekly basis. The field is vast but the labourers are few. French Cameroun is really vast. 

 Upcoming events.

  A lectureship is coming up in Susan this Friday. Mbanga will be hosting the Fako Littoral lectureship in October. We have summer youth retreat next month and women are also preparing for the sisters’ seminar.

Let's us be praying for our country.

A report from Mbanga by his servant Ititi Benedict

Posted on July 17, 2018 .