Prayers requested for Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe, Cameroon central Africa. We are doing great even though most of our brethren still live in fear and are wondering what will happen next. I describe the situation of Cameroon to be bad. We need prayers from brethren to help solicit God to make haste a resolve as many of His children are in the forest and worship Him in very deplorable conditions. The socio–political situation of Cameroon has affected the churches of Christ a great deal. Many of our Christians cannot boast of balanced daily meals, water, and medications. Some of our sisters have had their babies in forest. Many have lost homes and basic belongings. Your fervent prayers are needed.

In Wotutu we are still enjoying peace as our worship and other socio-economic activities are still going on smoothly without any interruptions. Our Bible college is on and moving on well. Our students are doing well and classes as well as evangelism are working as normal. We are though, very cautious of where we put our legs for evangelism. Risky zones are avoided now for a while but souls in less risky zones are still being touched.

Our students are strong with the tradition of pointing the truth, the undiluted word, directly from the Bible. It is amazing as many can understand when they read our tracts along side their Bibles and those who cannot read can understand the truth when they hear readings and instruction from the Bible.

I am going to Bamenda this week to be with the lovely family of a preacher who died this week to help comfort the widow and also arrange for the funeral. Keep minister Nicodemus’ family in your prayers. Evangelism continues in our newly established congregations.


Thanks very much for your fervent prayers, love, and support. We could move on without those
things. May God bless you and keep you to do more. Please share our report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on July 17, 2018 .