63 converted in Malawi!

BVBI –Malawi, Report for July!

It is always a blessing to receive visitors! We were glad to be visited by our beloved brother – Donnie Estep in the month of May. The students were encouraged by the lesson which Donnie taught – World Religions. His emphasis was on Islam as it is the major world religion which is deceiving many people in the world today! We are thankful to the president and all the staff of BVBI-International for sending us Brother Donnie to teach twice every year.  Donnie, is also our country Director. We always enjoy seeing him and feeling sad when he says bye to us. We really appreciate his commitment to training men to be preachers of the saving message to all the world!

Malawi – Good Soil!

When we read about the parable of the Sower, the good soil is explained to be the good heart. This good heart does hear the word of God and hid it. Many people in Malawi have the good heart, very receptive to the Word of God. BVBI –Malawi students, were involved in two campaigns end of May, where by about 63 Souls were saved! The winning of Souls to Christ, always bring joy to Angels in heaven and all of us rejoice together for our Father – God, is pleased! From the campaign students were sent home for one month holiday, (the month of June).

7th to 8th July

On the above dates, we were receiving our students back from their one month holiday of June. The classes have started and all students have arrived! The students have reported good news, that more Souls have been added to the church during their time on holiday. This means instead of resting they have been continuing doing the evangelistic work. Some students reported that they have been teaching in seminars and encouraging the congregations. About 20 souls have been reported to have been saved in different areas where our students are coming from during their holiday time. We thank and praise God for the Souls saved!

Brother Richard, one of the BV students was once a Muslim, and has also reported that he managed to preach to one of the influencing and prominent member of Islamic religion in his home village. The good news is that at the end of their discussion, the Muslim was baptized, him and his wife plus their two daughters. The Gospel is powerful – Romans 1:16!

Many thanks to all those who make this work possible. Your support and prayers for this work, is proving to us your willingness to work together as we are seeking to accomplish and fulfill the redemptive plan of God in saving Souls and training men to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2; 2 Timothy 4:2)! Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

In His Vine Yard!

Ephron Vincent Mbano,(Local Director). ephronmbano@gmail.com

Posted on July 30, 2018 .