A Historical Day For The Bear Valley Church Of Christ...

Today, the Bear Valley Church of Christ was privileged to witness a historical moment as five men were installed to shepherd the congregation. These five men will add to an already wonderful eldership. We know their oversight of the congregation, the Bible Institute in Denver, and the extension program will continue to fulfill the 50 Year Vision the elders placed before the church in 2008. Please pray for these men as they assume the responsibilities of the highest office on earth.

Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for strength and healing for Evie Graber (and her family) and Cy Stafford (and his family), while they endure difficult health challenges. Both Evie and Cy begin treatments soon. Please pray for them during this time.

Students in Denver are two weeks away from graduation. We are excited about the development of these men who long to serve in our Lord’s kingdom. The next few weeks will be packed with preparing assignments, taking final exams, and the next step into full-time ministry. Please pray for these men and their families as they leave Bear Valley and work to honor our God through leading the lost to Jesus and strengthening the faith of saints wherever they go.

The extension program continues to thrive also as students complete their studies and move closer to graduation. The reports from this week highlight the outreach conducted and souls that were added to the kingdom as a result of their work. The motivation and encouragement received from these reports is immeasurable. I hear from our brethren in each location about the encouragement we are to them, but I wonder if they understand how encouraging they are to us. What a blessing it is to participate in this kingdom work together.

Please remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian. He needs to receive your reports, and if there is information to discuss regarding the extension program, please write Keith. He now serves as the new director of the extension program. His email address is kkasarjian@wetrainpreachers.com

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Students Continue To Make Inroads For The Work In Cameroon: From weekend evangelism to the hospital, students in Wotutu learn how to apply the lessons learned in the classroom.

The Ability To See Blessings In The Midst Of Adversity: The school in Ukraine finds blessings in the midst of the ongoing difficulties in the eastern part of the country.

Reporting, Reconnecting, And Research: The Spradlins’ near the end of the furlough and report on the recent events in the work at Asuncion, Paraguay.

Amazing Outreach Program With Students At ACSOP In Tanzania: The students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching participate in an exciting program.

Final Thoughts
Coming to end of one week and the beginning of another continually reminds us of the graciousness of our God. Beyond the life He blessed us with, we are privileged to enjoy this life with our friends and fellow-workers in the kingdom. Thank you for the blessing you are to the program of extension training. We thank our God daily for you and this great opportunity.

God bless

Posted on May 8, 2016 .