Mbanga School Theme For May, "The Prayer Of The Faithful..."

Cameroon and the rest of the world join to celebrate Mother’s Day. We greet you all from that part of the world as we join to celebrate the induction of the elders in the Bear Valley assembly where the preachers and the members have done well. Congratulations and be of good courage.

Our week was very good even though with poor networking communication in Mbanga, but right now it is better. We are doing great in thee school with the students and our staff, even though brother Philipe is not really sound and has gone to the hospital three times in Mbanga. He has now been referred to another hospital to carry out some examinations, but all will be well.

The congregation was fasting last Friday in which all the students took part and it went on smoothly from six to six after our normal prayer meeting time scheduled on Friday. Our theme for this month on everything we do in school during our devotions is all linked with “Prayer,” which is our theme for the month of May is “The Prayer of the Faithful.”

The Church also visited brother Datouji Silvanus whose wife was just put to bed and it was a sort of fellowship in a big family. Together with the students we presented a gift from the church after we sang and gave exhortation to encourage the family. Brother Sylvanus, the mother, the new born baby, and her elder sister are doing well. Please do not forget to put that in your prayers.

We are preparing for the preachers forum in Buea this weekend, with the presence of some student preachers and next will be the preachers wives’ forum in Mbanga on the 27th and 28th of May.

We pray you remain blessed.

Posted on May 9, 2016 .