Trip To Ghana Proves Beneficial For Study In Church Growth...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings in Jesus name to you and your entire family. God is faithful to His children daily. I am happy to say hello to you in Cameroon after a short visit to Ghana. I do hope this report finds you healthy and sound in faith.

I met my family doing better, except for my wife who has ill health. I met the Wotutu congregation doing fine and healthy in all that was going on in my absence.

I met the campus of BVBIC-Wotutu empty because all the students were gone to 21 different locations for evangelism and I await their return within the week as they start short courses with the coordinator, David Ballard, on the 15th of June, on “The New Testament Church.” Keep them all in your prayers.

I left Cameroon to be part of a one day Bible lectureship in Ghana on Church Growth. The lessons were good for me and I will do my best to teach it also to many in Cameroon. I was also to attend the graduation ceremony of the students of Ateiku School of Evangelism. Keep this work in your prayers.

15 men graduated and are now in 15 congregations for nurturing, so as to provoke growth. I was blessed to witness it and to add more to what we are doing in Cameroon.

It was time to pray for the newly graduated evangelists. The ministers’ presence were allowed to exhort, pray, and lay hands on them. It was a great event. Pray for the new evangelists as they start exploring the world to harvest souls for Christ.

I also stopped by a congregation in the city of Accra, where I was cut by their theme for the year 2015 Rescuing Perishing Souls. Our calling into the ministry is to rescue souls who are perishing and souls who are rescued, so that they will be nurtured and be prepared for heaven. Keep me and many others in your prayers, so that we stay focused to this.

The Wotutu congregation again this week was blessed with a baby boy by the name Princewill. A community that witnesses births has a posterity. Our congregation has a bright and wide future. Keep praying and be part of our dreams.

Last Sunday, I was given the privilege to preach a sermon on the topic, “Who are You in the Business of Church Growth?” (Acts 19:15) It was great and I was blessed to preach in a different pulpit and different geographical location, but the same message of the Bible that has the power to save. I enjoyed the “3 E’s lesson: Exposure, Experience and Example.” Wow! It was awesome for me to be there and I am thankful to God for using me to contribute my part to the development of His kingdom on earth.

After my 30 minute sermon, it was time for the call for baptism and 9 precious and energetic souls gave their lives to be used by God for the growth of the church. It was amazing to witness that far away from home, but I was satisfied that our family is big. Glory to God.

I spent a couple of days in an orphanage where I saw how it is being run there to see how to add to the Brightland Christian orphanage in Wotutu. Traveling is good if you can afford it. I benefitted a lot from that trip and it will do good to my work here in Cameroon and that of my wife. Keep our ministries in your prayers.

1) Next month will be our trip to the west coast of Cameroon.

2) Lebialem mission is moving ahead. I am planning a re-visit trip there soon after sending students for mission work and weekend evangelism to evaluate and see the progress of the work and provide possible input. Pray for this young congregation in Menji town.

God bless you, keep you, and replenish from the source in which you are using to make sure this work in going on well. Thank you for your prayers and support. God will reward you in due season. Share our work with others who may love to be part of the different ministries here.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on June 7, 2015 .