Students Receive Good Reports From Local Congregations...

Receive our greetings from Kenya in the Lord. We trust you are doing well, as we are doing well here. There has been heavy rains in many parts of Kenya causing flooding and loss of lives and destruction of properties. We thank God Kisumu has not been affected with flooding nor with terrorism acts that has been affecting the Eastern part of Kenya.

We had a great third quarter with the 20 students. They have continued to grow in the knowledge of God's word and this was proved by the good reports from local congregations that they have been visiting to help in evangelism and ministering. Some of the local church leaders called the school inquiring where the preaching students were and why they were not getting to worship. They have been good servants and their presence and absence is always felt by all. 

During the quarter, the students were taught seven classes, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Matthew by Elias. English II, Joshua - Ruth by Charles. The book of Job by David Wasonga and two short courses on Leadership and 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Mike Rowand and Ralph William respectively from USA. We also had bad power blackouts that interferes with learning and the school is in real need of a power generator. The students are breaking for three weeks before coming back on June 26 to begin the fourth quarter. 

During the time that brother Rowand was teaching at the school, another group of his team, led by David Thompson, were busy visiting former KSOP graduates to see and know how they are doing. This brought excitement and great encouragement to the former graduates to know they are still loved and cared for. The places we managed to get to within the short time we had speaks volumes. The former graduates are doing well and active, leading worship and evangelism. Some who come near Kisumu have been very active also in gospel campaign meetings. This is a vote of confidence that the training of preachers is not in vain here. 

We continue to thank all the brethren and churches who believe in training men accurately to "rightly divide the word of God".

We now look forward to great reports that will be brought by the students after the break. Keep them in your prayers. 

Blessings to you all for the work you do on your side. 

His servant, 

Charles Ogutu
Director Kenya School of Preaching 

Posted on June 7, 2015 .