Denominational Preacher Converted In Tanzania...

Blessed be the God of The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3. 

Greetings to you all brethren. 

I hope the Lord’s work is going on well there. Here ACSOP things are moving perfectly with the help of our Lord Jesus. The students and some of the Christians from various congregations benefited from agriculture training from Healing Hands International last Monday. Healing Hands sent Mr. Ebenezer for two days of training, which will help the school to reduce its budget through farming.  

God has done great things to us through His people. Last month, God gave us a great opportunity to meet with Jeremiah Israel who was a Pentecostal preacher. After the long discussion on what the Bible says about how someone can be saved, he saw I have a point and he started listening to what the Bible says on salvation. His great concern was how can someone be baptized on the same day is believed? (as you know this people overlook scriptures) The answer is found in the Bible filled with many references on the people who were baptized immediately after they obeyed and I led him to a couple of verses. Another argument he found hard to defend was their system of leadership.  He was a pastor himself, but his first born is only twelve years old. And as you know they never use Biblical example of leadership.  After one week long discussions he said, I was not Biblically baptized; I was wet if the Bible is correct. So, immediately he asked for the right baptism. Now, he is learning some other things in order to help those he was leading. But what moved me to write about him is the fight he had with his bishops. After his baptism he went back to his bosses to surrender all things that were given to him.  The first thing in their meeting he said, “I didn’t know that you are part of a denominational group, you are not Biblically sound, you need to teach people the truth.”  He used all his time to teach them the only one Bible church. Another pastor followed him in the night as Nicodemus did to Jesus, asking him more about his decision and about the church of Christ. Then he called me that night to talk to him, and he is now in my contact list of those wanting to learn. Now we are teaching his wife. Pray for us as we are learning with her. Please pray for the Kisongo Church efforts and the Andrew Connally School Of Preaching, that we can be used much more as an evangelistic tool in East Africa. 

In His work,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on June 7, 2015 .